Hide/Hyde North Carolina Project

A group of Hyde researchers are working on a Project to sort out the Hide/Hyde families that passed through North Carolina in the 1700s.


We are gathering records and documents to post in one place to facilitate the project’s efforts.


Hide/Hyde North Carolina Documents 


If you are also researching your North Carolina Hyde roots and are willing to help, please contact us.


  • Regina, there were at least four William Hide/Hydes born circa 1829, and at least two of those were born in TN. The William Hyde in Christian County who married Louisa McDonald might not have been the same William who married Lucinda Gray. I see where Edward Martin appears to link them together, but this Edward Martin was a stonemason born in Ireland. Coincidentally, his friend was another William Hyde born 1829 in Ireland, also a stonemason. He built a few bridges in the area. Do you have any specific information that links Christian county William with Caldwell county William? The William who married Lucy Gray does appear to be living with Solomon Peasock Hyde before his marriage, which would link him to Joseph Hyde. The Grays are literally surrounded by Satterfields. And if Edward Hyde had provided security, that would also go back to Joseph. What we’re missing is Joseph’s first wife, as well as his time in TN. And it also appears that Joseph had a son William by his second wife, so I’d like to see something on paper attesting to William’s age, because to me it’s not clear if Lucy married the older William or the one closer to her in age. (To disambiguate, another Kentucky William Hide b 1829 married Nancy Jane Hide, John Hide provided surety, 1st Aug 1854, Warren County. There are two William Hide/Hydes who interacted with the Thompson family in Surry County, NC and Rhea County, TN circa 1815.) This is going to take some time to sort out, but it’s doable.

  • Ann, My name is Steve Carver born in Robinsville, Nc. related to the Thompson and Hyde in Graham county NC. Now live in Spring City Tn. Willing to Help .

    • Steve, when you have a chance, please email me and Tom (ann.sterling@gmail.com and dochyde2020@hotmail.com). If memory serves, which it still occasionally does, this is an early line involving Scots-Irish settlers from PA. Three brothers, John, William and Benjamin Hide/Hyde, one of whom married a Thomson/Thompson. I don’t think we have many records for Graham County, so this would be very helpful.

  • I am looking for the ancestors of Isaiah (Isiah, Isaah) Hyde/Hide who was born in 1789 in Greenville County, South Carolina. For years I have worked on this and just cannot find a clear answer. My one living male relative in the Hyde line refuses to have his DNA collected, so he is a dead end. Thank you in advance for your help. I appreciate you very, very much.

    • Thanks Kayla, but it’s not just me. I get a lot of help, in fact, this is Tom’s line and you should contact him at dochyde2020@hotmail.com. No need to get DNA, we’re quite familiar with this line. I think so far we have him back to his grandfather, one of the Stephen Hides.

  • Hello – just stumbled on this great site. Is anyone still wanting DNA for the Richard “the pirate” Hyde line? My father, myself, my nephew, my uncle and several cousins have all taken Ancestry DNA tests. We are descendants of Richard “the pirate” through Henry who moved to Tennessee, his son Benjamin, grandson Carroll W. Hyde and great-grandson Carroll F. Hyde who moved to Texas and was my great-grandfather. Let me know.

    • Lisa, absolutely! The only problem is that Ancestry DNA tests are autosomal, meaning they show you a mix of female and male DNA going back roughly five generations or about 150 years. This is great for finding living cousins, but the first Richard was born over 400 years ago and you won’t match any of his descendants because the DNA bits that you share are too small to be detected with autosomal. Ancestry has a pretty good article explaining the test differences here: https://support.ancestry.com/s/article/Y-DNA-mtDNA-and-Autosomal-DNA-Tests?language=en_US
      Their diagrams make autosomal DNA look more comprehensive than either female MtDNA or male Y-DNA, and it is. Female MtDNA can go back tens of thousands of years, so you can see where your female line ancestors originated from and how they migrated. And – I’m skipping over a lot, but we have articles in our DNA section – male DNA, because of the way it changes over time, can tell us about surnames. We used to be a patrilineal society, and still are, to some extent, but not really any pressure anymore for wives to take their husband’s surname. Male Y-DNA results (father’s father’s father, etc.,) can show us if two males who have the same surname are related, and give us an approximate idea of how far back they’re related.
      For example, on our Hyde DNA project, right about the middle of the results page, you can see some of our R-M269’s in light purple. Men in each of the purple groups A through B share an ancestor who came to the US from England, and all of them share one common ancestor. Big Y tests indicate the common ancestor was an Anglo-Saxon who lived in North Mercia (technically vicinity of Nottinghamshire) around 800 or so years ago, around the time surnames began to be used with some consistency. We have no way of knowing who the individual was, but I think we may have discovered the family that he came from (appearing in our newsletter, eventually). https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Hyde?iframe=ycolorized
      We currently have one Richard the Pirate descendant and would certainly welcome more.

    • Greetings Lisa,
      I just read your post about Richard (the pirate) Hyde line. Since there is no record/evidence found for my William Hide/Hyde line (he married Charlotte Parker, daughter of Jonas Parker) and was at some point in Edgecombe, NC, I would be interested in your DNA results.
      Thank you,

      • Debra – Unfortunately, DNA results from autosomal tests don’t go back far enough in time to provide a match, I explain a little bit about that here https://www.hydegenealogy.com/?page_id=1852 The subject is the 448s but the testing information applies to everyone. The only DNA test that might link William Hide/Hyde back to one of the known lineages is Y-DNA, and for that you would need a male Hyde who is a direct descendant of William Hyde and Charlotte Parker. Here is the link to the writeup on William Hyde of Autauga and his wife Charlotte Parker https://www.hydegenealogy.com/?page_id=1880 I spend a fair bit of time disconnecting him from families that he’s been erroneously linked to in online trees, in particular the family of Benjamin Hyde and Elizabeth Leatherwood. The information for William of Autauga’s family is most likely in AL. Writing up the Richard the Pirate line is still in the works and will happen eventually.

        • While I agree with you that Autosomal Test can be limited I respectfully disagree that Autosomal Test CAN’T go back more than 4-5 generations. It really depends on how well you can locate information and when families like this work together Autosomal DNA test CAN be used. I’ve proven it many times with my own DNA and recently started on my Hyde Family line. It just takes a LOT of work and I’m almost ready to share all my Hyde Family Autosomal DNA comparisons. Typically a DNA triangulation takes three distant cousins but when I started to find connections back to Jonathan Hyde (1626-1711) I was extremely skeptical and I knew I couldn’t PROVE to skeptics about this connection with only three distant cousins and a simple triangulation. I’ve worked a few weeks and have now identified 19 people along 9 different family lines so far. I have identified 98 people in total with 23andme having the exact same cM group on Chromosome 3 so I know there are more to discover. One individual has some pretty bad Endogamy with Samuel and Jonathan’s family having first cousins marry but all the rest of the family lines pretty solid. I look forward to presenting the data and having it critiqued. You can think of Autosomal DNA like flipping a coin each generation to see if the segment is going to pass. If each generation you flip a coin to see if a DNA segment gets passed on the majority of people are going to flip heads/tails at different points and will lose the DNA being passed along so every generation there is less people passing on that particular DNA. There is some people though that will continue to flip heads with each generation and that DNA will be passed. I had just gotten lucky I guess that I flipped heads each time since Jonathan. In general people are just too lazy to use Autosomal DNA to find matches especially 9-10 generations back. In our case it really helps that there was some decent documentation with a historic family where the information was published. Also it helps to purchase 23andme+ giving me 5,000 matches and not just the standard 1,500 closest relatives.

          I will email you the information Ann, for your review and to see how or where to submit the information for others to review as well on this site.

          • Douglas – I generally defer to Dan Hyde on matters of DNA, but I’d be interested to look over what you’ve found. I agree that what you’re saying about autosomal going further back is possible. The caveat I’d add is that people tend to associate whatever similarity they find with their furthest back ancestor rather than the much more recent ancestor that they have in common. For example, a few years ago, there was a person on 23andMe who insisted that because I had some particular genetic something and my maiden name was Hyde that I must be related to…I think it was Humphrey Hide, and that “probably [my] paperwork just didn’t go back far enough” to show it. I assured them I was definitely not related to Humphrey and suggested that where we matched was a much more recent relative that we shared (who was also not related to Humphrey). Triangulation, while possible, can be tricky, and it’s not really what that test was designed for.

      • I have pictures of William Hyde in my possession that I gained from my father John Lee Hyde, who passed away back in 2007. He also had pictures of a couple whom I believe may have been Charlotte Hyde in my possession if you’re interested in getting a copy

  • Hi, I am helping Debra & Mike with some of their NC Hyde research. This is a great site, thank you for making it available for researchers! I have a question, and info to share. On the page with info about William Hyde & Charlotte Parker is the statement: “And one or two of the families that William and Charlotte lived near in Sumter County AL were also from the Bertie/Northampton County area.” I am not aware of any evidence of Charlotte and William living in Sumter County, and would like to know if this is an error, or if there is evidence, if it could please be shared with me? On the same page are instructions on pulling up William Hyde’s four land patents in Sumter County from the Bureau of Land Management site. Under this is the sentence, “These records only show land purchased directly from the government. William’s family probably sold at least some of the land after his death, as Charlotte returned to Edgecombe with most of her children.” FYI I checked the grantor/grantee index for Sumter County, AL; the only William Hyde that appears has wife MARIA and so would seem to be William Hyde who married Maria Beazley. The four patents are dated 1837; the earliest deed for William & Maria was dated July 1836. The deeds are, very briefly: DB B p. 246, 239 acres from William Hyde and wife Maria to Lyle B. Faucett, 1836; DB G p. 21, 160 a. from William and Maria to Nathan Goree, 1840; DB G p. 190, mortgage deed, William and Maria indebted, 1841; DB G p. 534 and 564, deeds of trust, 1842/1843. As well as William who married Maria, there are two other Hyde/Beazley marriages; Richard Beazley who married Catherine Hyde, and also Charles Beazley who married Thursa Hyde. Most of these ended up in Texas by way of migration across the Deep South; while the death certificate of one of Thursa’s children says she was born in VA, the 1850 census of Caddo, LA says she was born in NC. There appears to be a Bible record for the Charles & Thursa family in the records of DAR. FYI I have talked to Debra & Mike about Y-DNA and we are hoping to run down a direct male descendant of William who m. Charlotte Parker for testing.

    • Traci – (For all those keeping track of where you are in the queue, when anyone asks a question about the people I’ve just written about, in this case William Hyde and Charlotte Parker, I try to answer right away because the data is readily accessible in both paper and brain.) You’re right about the land patents, plus I think William Sr is thought to have died around 1835, so doesn’t make sense to be him. We have the right area though. The reason I continue to refer to Charlotte’s husband as William Hide/Hyde of Autauga is because that’s how he’s referred to in land records of Edgecombe County, NC. For example deed book 18, pg 243 shows Charlotte’s brother purchasing land from her husband, “William Hyde of Autauga, AL”, part of which had come to her through her father, Jonas Parker. This is one of several references. Feel free to email me and cc the others, as I have some suggestions about Pearl’s siblings.

      • Ann – thank you for your reply. Yes, I am very familiar with the deed in Edgecombe; it refers to his residence as Autauga, which is why I was asking about Sumter County, and the statement about who they lived near – I have seen no evidence in Alabama records of exactly where this William and wife Charlotte lived in Alabama. I take it now, though, that this statement was based on the land patents, and is probably in error, as those likely refer to William who married Beazley. Some research last week, combined with some work Debra has done over the weekend, has largely solved the parentage of William who married Charlotte. As soon as I write it up coherently I will share here.

      • William and Charlotte
        These are my great grandparents. I recently was going through my deceased father’s belongings that my mother kept and I also found a picture of William Hyde if anyone is interested.

        • Hello Marie

          I believe William & Charlotte are my ancestors, and they are also Debra’s, who posts here as well. I’m very interested in any information you have about them, and would love to see that picture. Perhaps you could describe your info here, or if you’d prefer, you can get my contact info from Ann and we could connect privately.


          • Well, I found the pictures in my father‘s belonging. His name was John Lee Hyde of Edgecombe county North Carolina. His father was David Lafette Hyde, who passed away in Nash county North Carolina David Lafette‘s father was John William Hyde. I wish there was a way I could post pictures.

            • It would be very interesting to see a photo of William Hyde and also Charlotte. He’s been a mystery for a long time. We know a bit more about Charlotte. It was David Layette’s father, John W Hyde, who took care of Charlotte in her later years.

              You can reach me at cirquenorth at acsalaska dot net; I would love to hear what you know of the family. I would be happy to share what I know as well.

            • Hello – I am working on a rather large piece on all of the descendants of Richard Hyde I – our immigrant ancestor – it is awaiting editing and approval for posting. But when I saw you post I had to wonder if you are in contact with any of your Hyde male cousins who are direct male descendants of Richard. Would love for one of them to participate in the Y-DNA testing as this would help solidify the ancestry from your part of our line through Stephen Hyde of Anson County to his father David and on up the line. Two descendants of Henry Hyde – Stephen’s cousin – have done the testing.

  • William Hyde who married Charlotte Parker of Edgecombe County, NC is the son of Stephen Hyde of Halifax & Anson Counties, NC. Here is the evidence in a nutshell for this conclusion: David, Stephen, Richard, & John Hyde are all present in the records of both Northampton and Halifax; deeds in Halifax stating residence in Northampton provide evidence that these are the same people. For example, Halifax County deed book 9 p. 143, David (X) Hyde of Northampton County sold Halifax land to Abraham Johnston. Probate records for these men also overlap counties; for example, David Hyde’s will is recorded in Northampton, but he also has estate records in Halifax, as he had assets there; the same is true for Richard Hyde who died by March 1784 and who had a Northampton County will, but also owned land in Halifax. Information correlated from the wills, deeds, and estate records of these men in both counties provide ample evidence that David was the father of John, Richard, and Stephen. Halifax County deed book 19, p. 3 provides direct evidence of these relationships, and for the fact that Stephen Hyde had relocated to Anson County, NC: “Stephen Hyde of Anson County to his brother John Hyde’s orphans (Mary Hyde & Rhoda Williams) 7 April 1801. Relinquish title to 100 acres formerly called Dentons, on the south side of Roanoke River. Also if land below Eaton’s Ferry should belong to my father’s estate, then title also to said orphans. Wit.: Peter Woodson, D. Hobbs.” (DB 19, p. 3). This last bit apparently refers to the Halifax deed of David (X) Hyde of Northampton County to William Eaton Jr. of same, 17 November 1771, 300 acres which Hyde had purchased from Abraham Johnston, and 2 acres “including said Hyde’s ferry landing, joining Roanoke River” & a strip of land 2 feet wide, witnessed by John Hyde. (DB 12, p. 66). Stephen Hyde is present in the Anson County grantor/grantee indexes from 1789 until in 1815, when as recorded in DB R p. 96, the real estate of Stephen Hyde deceased was divided into roughly two equal parts between Stephen Hyde & William Hyde. The Edgecombe County deed in which William Hyde sold the land Charlotte Parker had inherited from her father states: “2/3 of an [undivided] tract in Edgecombe containing by estimation 204 acres on the west side of Deep Creek adjoining Benjamin Bell, Alston Savidge, and others being formerly owned by Jonas Park[er] & the said William Hide claims one third part of the premises by ‘wright of wife,’ one other third part by purchase from Marmaduke Hill & Elizabeth Hill.” I had looked in vain for the transaction between William Hyde and the Hills; it should have been recorded in Edgecombe County, but apparently was not. After realizing that Stephen Hyde had relocated to Anson County, Debra checked the Anson deeds – sure enough, it is there. Anson County, NC deed book U, p. 103, Marmaduke Hill & Elizabeth his wife to William Hyde, all of the county of Anson, “one third part of the tract of land situate[d] lying & being in the County of Edgecomb[e]…on Deep Creek formerly owned by Jones [sic, Jonas] Parker being Elizabeth Hills part of the land… containing 204 acres.” A look at the census records of Anson County shows Stephen Hyde present there on the 1790 & 1800 censuses; he is the only Hyde in Anson County; he is deceased by 1815 when his land was divided between his two surviving heirs; by 1820, William Hyde is head of household and is the only Hyde in Anson County. William and Charlotte’s son Stephen, named for his grandfather, was born ca. 1820 in NC according to his census records; he likely was born in Anson County, NC. Also, Stephen Hyde Sr. married Susannah Collson in Anson County; correlation of her father’s 1789 will and Stephen’s timeline fit perfectly, and reveal that Stephen & Susannah’s oldest son & daughter were John Collson Hyde & Jane Hyde. Both were deceased by Stephen Hyde Sr.’s death; William and Charlotte named their oldest son John, which would have been for his deceased brother and maternal grandfather, and the 2nd son was Stephen, for the paternal grandfather, which fits usual Southern naming patterns perfectly (they also had a daughter named Martha Jane; the name Jane is seen throughout the David Hyde family). The mystery of what ultimately happened to William is still open, and may be hampered by the fact that he was in both Anson County & the AL frontier; Anson is a burned county, and very few county records aside from deeds exist prior to ca. 1849. The last deed in Anson for William as a grantor is 1823. Hope this helps other northeastern NC Hyde researchers!

  • Further information…one question has been, if William Hyde was in Anson County & Charlotte Parker was in Edgecombe County, how did they meet? This mystery, thankfully, has largely been solved. Charlotte’s mother & Jonas Parker’s wife was Zilpa (or other variants such as Zilphia, etc.) Wells (also variant Wills). Zilpa was the daughter of Thomas Wills who d. ca. 1766 in Edgecombe County. After Jonas’ death, Zilpha remarried to Abner Pitman, son of Joseph Pitman of Edgecombe County, at some point in either late 1814 or 1815 – Zilpha is still a Parker in an Edgecombe County deed from 1814 but is absent from the Edgecombe County 1815 tax list; as with the Hydes, Abner Pitman relocated to Anson County, and is present on the 1815 Anson Co. tax list. In 1817, Edgecombe County deed book 00 p. 219-220, Abner Pitman of Anson County, NC leases what appears to be the land on Deep Creek that Jonas willed to Zilpa for her lifetime with reversion to the daughters. It appears likely that after Abner married Zilpa the family, including Charlotte, moved with him to Anson; Susannah Hyde (widow of Stephen Sr.), Stephen Hyde Jr., William Hyde (still under his guardian, William Wall), & Abner Pitman are all in the same district on the Anson Co. 1815 tax list, which would put William & Charlotte in close proximity. It seems reasonable that they therefore met & married in Anson County, NC. at some point between 1815-1818 (the year of the birth of their first child). Further evidence of Zilpa’s family & 2nd marriage is found in Halifax Deed Book 27, page 320, in which Zilpha Pitman sells land stated to have been inherited from her brother, Thomas Wells, & Zilpa’s estate papers; Abner & Zilpa apparently returned to Edgecombe by 1819, as Abner Pitman has existing estate papers there in that year, and Zilpa’s estate papers under Zilpa Pitman are in Edgecombe dated ca. 1835. Charlotte Hyde, Olive Bell, & John Parker were all buyers at the estate sale. Upon Zilpa’s death, Jonas’ land reserved for the daughters was divided according to the stipulations of the will, and divided among Mrs. Martha Pearce (Martha/Patsey Parker had married Bryan/Bryant Pearce, who had died shortly before); Mrs. Charlotte Hyde (her husband William had sold her share of the land in 1825 to her brother John Parker, but because he gained it through her inheritance, by law to clear title she was supposed to give her consent to the sale; her consent is not recorded, apparently thereby rendering the sale void, which explains why Charlotte was able to inherit after that sale); and John Parker, who had acquired his sister Elizabeth/Betsy Hill’s share from William Hyde, who had purchased it from Elizabeth & Marmaduke Hyde, recorded in Anson Co.). Hope this helps!

  • Hello Fellow Hydes! 🙂 Does anyone have any documented sources on Mildred (nee Hartwell or Avent???) Hyde who was the wife of Richard Hyde 1717 VA/1762 NC from the above named line?
    I have searched high and low on Ancestry, and find no documentation other than her will dated 1795 NC.Do we know for sure that her maiden name was Hartwell? Thanks!

    • Unfortunately, there do not seem to be any primary sources for a maiden name for Milly/Mildred/Amelia (the various names she is called in historic documents)

      The book – The Avents and their Kin of Avent Ferry by Mamie Lee Avent Parker and Claude Hunter Moore 1961 (available on The Internet Archive) makes the claim, without any source, that Mildred was Mildred Avent – a daughter of William Avent, who was also the father of Rebecca Avent who married Seth Cotton. The book does not give a source for this claim and none has been located. That would have made Milly Hyde and Rebecca Avent Cotton sisters although they were 20 years apart in age. This book does contain several demonstrable errors and so this may have been one of them! Some people also believe that Milly’s daughter Ann (called Ann Avent in her father’s Will) was actually Ann Avent Hyde (middle name Avent) and not Ann Hyde Avent (married name Avent) which has added to the beliefs about Milly’s maiden name. No source on that issue either.

      Claims that Milly’s maiden name was Hartwell likely originated from the name given to their son – but Hartwell was a really common name in that period and so cannot alone serve as a basis for the claim. There were Hartwell’s living near the Hydes in Brunswick County in the 1750s-60s (Israel, Paul, Richard) but a link between them and Milly could not be made. The Hartwell family who were founders of the College of William and Mary have been extensively documented and there is no known link to the Hyde family.

      The quest continues!

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