Hide/Hyde North Carolina Project

A group of Hyde researchers are working on a Project to sort out the Hide/Hyde families that passed through North Carolina in the 1700s.


We are gathering records and documents to post in one place to facilitate the project’s efforts.


Hide/Hyde North Carolina Documents 


If you are also researching your North Carolina Hyde roots and are willing to help, please contact us.


  • David Hide (Sr., 1768-1845) of Wilkes/Hall Co., GA, oldest two sons were Micajah (1797-1875) and David (Jr., 1804-1880). David (Jr.) was my 2nd great grandfather. By his second wife, Mary J. (1824-?), he had two children Robert David (1861-1935) and Mary Elizabeth (1872-?). Robert David and family moved from Hall Co., GA to Texas about 1900. I belong to Robert David’s line.

    I would be interested in participating and sharing info thru the project.

        • Ray, feel free to email Tom directly at dochyde2020@hotmail.com. Tom and I were in touch recently, and he’s been pretty busy. We’ve been making some headway but these things take time. I’m going to fill you in on what we know so far. Micajah was the son of David Hide (1768-1845). David was named in his father George Hide’s will, filed 29 July 1790, Wilkes County GA, Deed Book GG. George’s unnamed wife predeceased him, but his children are given as David, George, Betty, Pleasant, and Winnie. Through both records and DNA, we know that George Hide of Wilkes was the son of an earlier George Hide, born no later than 1734, who appears in Johnston County NC in the 1750’s and in Surry County, NC in the late 1760’s. There are one or two areas where we’ve talked about hiring a professional genealogist because the records we need are not online and it helps to have someone familiar with the library holdings and resources in a specific area. There were many unrelated Hide/Hyde families moving along the frontier in NC in the mid-eighteenth century, and a few were living quite close to one another. Tom has been gathering information for easily twenty years, probably longer, and he and Ed Hyde have done a lot to disentangle these families and put them in the correct trees. There are still some inaccuracies and I hope that others will work with us and point these out when they see them. We don’t have anything prior to George Hide Sr’s appearance in NC, although we know that he was related through DNA (R-M512 DYS448 null) to Charles Hide Sr and Steven/Stephen Hide Sr, both also appearing in Surry, NC, in the 1750’s. I haven’t been able to get a good estimate on the ages of either Charles or Stephen as they were deceased prior to the 1800 census. DNA has helped us to rule out the line of Richard Hide “the pirate” as well as several nearby Hide families who came to NC from CT, MA, MD and PA. 

          • I am part of the R-M512 dna group. So I’m fairly confident about Stephen Hide and Mary Waddell being the parents of Noel Hide of Greenville, S.C.. I had traced my line back to Richard Hide in Chippoakes Creek, VA. In the 1600’s. But that’s a different group isn’t it? Isn’t that line considered “the Pirate”? Are they R-m269?

            • Donna, yes, Richard the pirate is M269 and Noel Hide is M512, so even though these two groups of Hides were occasionally living quite close to one another, they are not related. You can see some of the DNA results here https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Hyde?iframe=ycolorized although not all of them are visible. Family Tree’s settings allow clients to choose what data they wish to make public, semi-private or private, and whether or not they wish to be contacted and by whom. This is great for a customer’s privacy, but not always great for us admins who might be trying to reach them. Y-DNA grouping is most accurate when there’s some knowledge of the paper trail. For your line, Stephen Sr and Noel are documented and all of Noel Hide and Elizabeth Black’s children are listed in the will of Jacob Black. (Something that’s changed very recently is we can confirm that Hiram Hide was not one of their children, although he’s part of the same extended family. His grandfather was George Hide of Surry, NC and Hiram had a brother Thomas. Both Hiram and Thomas are mentioned in the will of their father-in-law, Peter Lenderman, who owned the saw mill where they both worked.) We know that in the 1750’s, the first generation of your family appeared in North Carolina. Tom and I aren’t able to confirm any further back than Stephen of Surry, NC, for the time being. But if anyone happens to live near Johnston County, NC, please drop us a line.

              • Ann, Thank you so much for your time and all of this information!! I always wondered about Thomas. Never could find anything. I have recently matched autosomal dna with a descedant of Hiram Hide and his second wife Elizabeth (?) Carver. And a descendant of the Ansel whose father was Bennett. Well, for whoever IS researching Richard Hide, Free Mason of London..I was able to make out some names in his will. He names a “sometime” brother Christopher who was deceased at the time the will was written. Christopher had daughters Mary and Dorothy. Richard had a brother in law, John Collins who had 2 sons. Richard had a daughter, wife of Christopher Ruddy, child Jane Ruddy.And Richard had a god-daughter
                Who was the daughter of a George Browne.

                • Also Richard had a “cozen” Francis Kitchen and a kinswoman, “Widdoe Kitchin” and son Henry who lived in Bowzer, Derby. The town is also called Bolsover. There is also a “czen” Roger Bryan with two daughters, one of whom us god-daughter to Richard.

                  • And a Richard Hide is mentioned in the book “Records of The Hole Crafte and Fellowship of the Masons” by Edward Conder, 1894. Around 1621 he was fined for abusing the Warden. Probably cussing the boss..We all know Hyde men are very independent! It’s on Google Books. I wonder if Hiram’s father was the George who was in Pittsylvania, VA. Then went into NC. He was on an early tax roll. I’ll have to check. My notes are all from documents..no online trees.

                    • Donna – A lot to unpack here! I’ve seen “Elizabeth Carver” mentioned but no proof that was her last name. I tend to leave a last name as unknown until I see documentation – I’m not quite as prickly about it as I used to be, but a good example is the first wife of Jesse Hide (b 1757 Johnston County, NC, part of your extended line). She’s said to be “Deborah Claiborne”. Over a decade ago, a well-intentioned family genealogist decided that since Claiborne was the name of Jesse’s eldest son, then that MUST be the surname of his wife. She looked around at Claiborne families and found an unmarried daughter named Deborah (a few hundred miles away, died around the time Jesse was born) and tacked it onto her online tree, where it’s still being widely copied.
                      For a little background on “Richard Hyde, citizen and freemason of London”, Richard is the father, and Simon and John are two of his sons, but there is no son Richard who went to Virginia, that’s a misreading. I’m pulling up my old records on this…The original reference is here on page 193 (aka 412 of 1070): https://archive.org/details/virginiamagazine19bruc/page/n411/mode/2up
                      The son who went to Virginia is John Hide, who was not connected to the Richard Hide who came over betw 1635-38 as a servant of the Minters. Also, there were no Hides or Hydes on the manifest of that particular sailing of the Abraham, although there WAS a John Hide/Hyde in VA circa 1635. John is a very common name so we can’t necessarily assume there’s a connection between that John and the one mentioned in Richard’s court case in London. And there’s no evidence to suggest that John had a brother Richard, or that Richard of London had two sons in VA. British National Archives has many Court of Requests records online, however, 64 Pt II is in a collection of loose papers that have not been digitized.
                      The George Hide on the 1767 Pittsylvania, VA tax list only has one tithe, so no sons over 18 which might not fit with George Hide of NC. It’s probable that there was more than one guy named George Hide/Hyde on the tax lists of various NC counties between approx 1755 to about 1778. The George for your line was definitely in Johnston, NC in 1757 and in Surry, NC between approx 1768-1788.

              • I’m trying to figure out how my Isaiah Hide fits into this group in Greenville, SC. He was first found selling land there in 1815 along with Harmon Hicks. Isaiah later sold land to Jordan Hicks, and Jeremiah is listed as selling land to Samuel Hicks. Surely this points to some close relation with all this land passing hands. Also, where did Isaiah get this land to sell? He was anywhere from 17 to 21 when he sold the land. Isaiah married Hester, moved to Georgia, Alabama and then finally Greene County, Arkansas.

  • Hi Tom:
    My name is Tim Hyde. I’m a novice starting out. My father Johnny Hyde has a lot of info I’ve used to get started. From what I’ve gathered from him and on Ancestry.com’s web site I’ve got to Benjamin Wesley Hyde Sr. and Elizabeth Letherwood. Still holes to fill in. Would love to join in and learn more.

    Tim Hyde

      • Hey Deborah, I’m not really sure. Tom said he didn’t really know how I fit in yet 🙂 I’ve slowed down on my research due to job changes but plan on starting back up soon. I hope to have my DNS done in the next few months. My dad is the historian of the family but he doesn’t get into the computer world that much so I was trying to help out.
        I was really interested in finding William Hyde, the father of AJ Hyde. Albert Hyde was my grand father, his father was William Hyde, and his father was Andrew Jackson hyde (A.J). Aj’s father was William Hyde also. My dad told me that his father said AJ always told the story that his father (William) was captured by the Union army and never came home. That’s the end of that story 🙂
        If what little research I’ve done is correct, I found a census that had a Hyde living with one of the Leatherwoods, (I’ll have to look it up), but I was wondering if that is our connection to the to american native side. My dad always said there was one but I really wanted to find out for him. He has really been sick and would like to do this soon.
        Sorry so long 🙂 My email is thyde777@gmail.com

        • Back in the 90’s I collected information for Hyde lines all over the U.S. because i did not know what I doing lol. The only thing I have is A.J. Hyde 10-10-1841 death:11-18-1907 Elizabeth H. Hyde 12-3-1842 Death:2-10-1920. Pond Hill Cemetery McMinn County TN. Several more Hydes in the cemetery.

      • Deborah,
        I am also starting to look into my genealogy and it appears my family also had roots in Nc and Al. Are you per chance related to Jeremiah C Hyde? My lineage is from his son James H Hyde.

        • Sorry but no Jeremiah in my tree so far. There were several Hyde’s in Winston County AL that did not fit with my line. I will keep my eyes open and if I find a connection I will let you know. Good Luck!!

  • Hi! I am just starting on ancestry.com. My grand father was George Owen Hyde 1916-1988, great grandfather was George Washington Hyde 1880-1961 he not sure of birth place but died in Lyons county Kentucky. I think his father was Edward Hyde and his father was Benjamin Wesley Hyde but not sure. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

  • If you’re starting on Ancestry, my first thought is to use the family trees as suggestions and nothing more. You should come up with quite a lot by searching “George O Hyde” (exact) and birth year 1918 plus or minus one year. His father George W Hyde married Dora Mae Forsythe. His father went by Edward Hyde and married Martha Elizabeth Gray. Find a Grave will help with this part of the search. His father was Joseph Hyde/Hide and mother Sarah Ann (last name unknown) and they were living in Allen County, KY in 1850, next door are B. and wife M. J. Moseley, who are living with a B. (or possibly an R.) Hide born in NC in 1770. The next house over(previous page), is an E. Hyde, a shoemaker one year older than Joseph, a probable relative, and wife Lee Hide. All male Hides are born NC. There’s a suggestion that Joseph’s father is a Benjamin Hyde who married a Leah Lee (b 1781 d 1849 in MO), and that’s possible. If you can figure out why B Hide is living with the Moseleys, that would go a long way toward untangling the relationship between the three families. I find what appears to be the correct Benjamin Hide living in Barren Co, KY as early as early as the 1820 census.

    • Hi Tom,
      I went back into my notes for Richard Hide of Chippoakes Creek, Surry Co., Va.
      and found the info about his being brought over by Edward Minter and that he had a father named Richard and bros. John and Simon. And that they were free Masons. Found a few records about Richard in the Google EBook “Records of the Hole Crafte and fellowship of Masons”. But the new document that I found was the will of Simon Hide, a Freemason of London. I have it downloaded and just need to transcribe it. I can make out about half the words but he says he was born in St Sepulchre Parish. Have you seen this will?

          • Busy time of year, with all the various Seasonal Joy Events. Two general things I wanted to pass along to everyone though, http://www.FamilyTreeDNA is having their yearly sale on DNA kits, and we have a limited number of additional $20 off coupons for the Y-DNA tests. Also, we have a very limited number of $50 off http://www.23andMe.com kits, bringing the price down to $149. As you all probably know, that last one won’t help with our surname project, but wanted to pass along to anyone interested. In other news, we have a confirmed descendant of Humphrey Hyde who has agreed to join the Hyde DNA Project on FTDNA. Results and writeup available in the next few weeks.

      • Hi Again,
        I’m interested in knowing if my finding Simon Hide’s will is useful. Does anyone (Tom) have further info?
        Thanks for your reply,
        Donna Hyde

        • Donna, yes, it is very useful and it’s been a catalyst for us to take a hard look at this line. Tom and I are in agreement on all of the descendants as of the 1800 or 1810 census. Symon’s father Richard’s will might also be helpful. Robert Hyde, lawyer of York County, VA who married Jane Underhill (not “Underwood” – that’s a few generations later) and Richard Hide/Hyde who came over as a servant associated with the Minter family, were related. Robert’s father John was also a lawyer in York Co, and brother to Richard of VA. Simon, John and Richard Hide were sons of Richard Hide, Citizen and Freemason of London.


          Research that still needs to be done: 1) will transcriptions for Richard and Symon Hide. From what I can see, there is no mention of family in VA. 2)Confirmation of Robert Hyde’s father which can be found in the Rockefeller Library in Williamsburg, VA as part of a court transcription. 3)Colonial land records involving John, Richard and Robert Hide/Hyde between 1640 – 1725 with particular emphasis on transactions involving either Richard I or II in Bath Co and their descendants after 1718. 4) Request made to the British Royal Navy for some of their earliest surviving records involving an account of the death of Blackbeard and more than one Hyde. 5)Early Albemarle, VA parish records involving ties between the Hide/Hyde, Underhill and Evans families. 6) Both Underhill and Hansford fathers-in-law were involved in Bacon’s Rebellion, any records to suggest Hydes were also sympathizers? 7) Getting to the bottom of the oft-quoted court case Hyde versus Brown “Court of Requests 64 Pt H” and showing that the will of Sir Robert Peake (1666) was not speaking of Robert Hyde of VA but another Robert who lived and died in England. So that’s the wish list for this particular line at present.


    • Ann,
      I have tried to email you through the contacts page on HGA and for some reason a Google Chrome page pops up. I also tried Dan C. Hyde. This is a brand new computer and I am having a few issues with email. I would like to join HGA as a member. My Hyde line is Charles, Ansel and so forth…..Ky and Indiana Hydes. Have not done the DNA but plan to soon. How do I join HGA? Please keep me posted.

      • Craig, hold that thought. I’m on vacation and not able to get in touch with Dan, so assume he is also. We need to put membership forms up on the web site, and I can’t do that from my phone. Stay tuned for English origins – working on 17th century Hydes of MD and VA. Still working on Humphrey of CT also. Will be in touch with you all soon and answer DNA questions and so forth.

  • Wasn’t Absolum Hide of Pickens Co. SC, married to Sally Moseley? Because after she died I believe the children went to live with her brother Samuel Moseley.

  • Donna et al. I’m traveling so have just my phone, but want to mention that the lines we’ve been discussing are the M512’s in the DNA project, so includes Jesse Hyde and about 80% of the Hide/Hydes who passed through Pickens, SC. There is a relationship between Benjamin Hide and Noel Hyde, not clear if brothers or cousins. And Noel’s father is unproven but said to be Stephen. If this can be proven then we have him back to the original immigrant, which was one of the two Richards, can’t recall offhand if the school teacher or not. Feel free to chime in, particularly if you know of Moseley wills or the like. Happy Holidays, everyone!

    • Ann, Thanks so much for your reply. I’m very glad to hear that Richard is my probable ancestor because my research kept leading back to him. That is, Richard who was brought over by Edward Minter. Do the other researchers have any feeling for which Richard is Stephen’s ancestor?
      Thanks Again,
      Safe Travelling 🙂

  • I have more information on my William Albert Hyde to share. William was born 1844 in Cherokee County N.C. In 1898 William listed his wife as Hyley Polly Ann Foster & his children as, Charity L June 12 1865, Benjamin A June 14 1870, Mary Jane July 12 1877, Samatha C May 17 1881, Polly V. June 14 1885. In 1899 William again listed his children Charily L. Doss, Benjamin A Hyde married to Ellen, Mary Jane Daniel, Coralee Dudham or Dulham sand Polly V. Lucas again listing the previous birthdays. In 1900 William Albert married Mary E. Gibbs and their children were Prince Albert 1901 (MY GRANDFATHER) William T 1903, John H. 1905, Earnest C. 1909, Haywood 1911 and Pansay who died as an infant. On William Alberts death certificate it was listed his father Benjamin A born in NC and his mom Nancy born in NC. William A died in 1915 in Alabama. Thanks Deborah dbeazle@gmail.com

    • Deborah, thank you so much. You don’t mention the specific source/s for this information and I hope that you will write back and let us know.
      William Albert Hyde’s parents were Benjamin A. Hide/Hyde (listed as born about 1821, NC) and Nancy Shelton (b about 1817, NC, 2nd husband Isaac Rymer). Benjamin and Nancy were marred in Polk County, TN about 1840 and appear on the 1850 census there. Her parents are said to be James Shelton and Sarah Hooper. There’s an interesting note here: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~tnmcmin2/SheltonCIIIP13.htm (search “Benjamin Hyde” in page) suggesting that Nancy’s mother might have been a Jane Langdon, but there were a number of James Sheltons and my initial impression is that the author might be trying a bit too hard to explain something that otherwise seems fairly straightforward.
      Benjamin A’s father was John Aaron Hyde, b 1797 NC. We know from several different sources that Benjamin A was born around 1821 in NC. The thing about North Carolina in the 1830’s is that there weren’t very many Hydes. The censuses might not capture every household, but the tax lists did, and much more often. So we have a pretty solid idea of which Hyde families were in NC during Benjamin’s birth and early years. Tax records show about 9 heads of household with names approximating Hyde, and corresponding census records between 1810-1840 tie some of these families together and show only four heads of household who had a son of Benjamin’s approximate age by 1830: John Aaron Hyde of Haywood County, John Hyde of Rowan County, James Hyde of Rowan County, and Benjamin Hyde “Senior” of Macon County. Of these four, I can rule out John and James Hyde of Rowan County, as they were both part of a family from VA that we are working on. The 4th possibility, Benjamin Hyde of Macon County was the father of the 1st, John Aaron of Haywood County. Just for further clarification concerning the counties, there’s a terrific interactive map of NC county creation here: http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~george/countyformations/northcarolinaformationmaps.html
      In 1818, John Aaron Hyde married Mary “Polly” Beck in Haywood County, NC, bondsman John Leatherwood and witness John Love. I am unable to pull up my information concerning Polly Beck’s exact relationship to John Leatherwood, but they were related and I will need to dig further into my notes as I don’t remember off the top of my head. If anyone can clarify, that would be great. She is buried here: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=48231300 John Aaron’s father Benjamin was born in NC around 1775 and was married to Elizabeth Rebecca Leatherwood. I believe him to be the same “Benjamin Rid” who appears in the 1820 census in Haywood Co, NC. We have extensive notes on Elizabeth Leatherwood and the family story of her mother Betsy Walker, via Bureau of Indian Affairs records. That’s a very long story for another time – although if anyone would like to jump in, by all means.
      John Aaron Hyde and “Polly” Beck had 9 children who are listed in the John Hyde Bible. The Old Buncombe County Genealogical Society transcribed the pages here: http://www.obcgs.com/hyde-john-bible/ B.A. is Benjamin.
      John Hille (John Aaron Hyde) appears in the 1850 Cherokee (later Graham) County, NC census with his 2nd wife Elizabeth (Cable) age 28 and “Humphy O, David, William and Suletta” – his children with Polly, as well as Susan Hille, age 2, his child with Elizabeth.
      Tom, Ed and I will have to consult to see how far back we have been able to trace Benjamin Hyde and Elizabeth Rebecca Leatherwood – I seem to recall that we looked at this family in detail approx 2 years ago.

      • Just came across your website in connection with researching the Leatherwood family. I’m focused on better understanding Leatherwood 18th century migration timelines and routes taken from Maryland to North Carolina, exploring possible long hunter associations, and digging into the family lore recounted in the Dawes and Baker rolls regarding Cherokee ancestry. Would be interested in any Hyde lessons learned potentially applicable to the Leatherwoods.

        • David, I’m going to have to confer with the people who write our newsletter, because I think the plan was to save this for an article. Technically though, we have a past due newsletter (exclusively my bad, every other part was completed some time ago) so we may be able to switch a few things around.

        • I would also love to see the information from Indian affairs in regards to Walker and Leatherwood. Hyde and Gibbs are also in my line.

          • Folks, it looks like this is a dead end, since the comment regarding those records was two years ago. But, if you are a descendant of Betsy Walker, please email me at kfaircloth2002@yahoo.com. She is my 7th great grandmother and I have been trying to find out more about her.

            • It’s not a dead end per se, I’ve just had a lot going on. Some things I can do on a tablet or over the phone while I’m travelling or waiting, other things I have to unpack electronically and the research is more detailed and requires several hours of uninterrupted time on my home computer. In the meantime, others are making remarkable progress on a number of fronts and we hope to update you all as soon as possible.

  • There are several Leatherwoods buried beside my Hyde family in Pond Hill Cemetery. I wonder if they are related to those in NC?

  • I have an affidavit written by B.H. Hyde in 1897 for William A Hyde stating they were in the Civil War together at Strawberry Plains Tennessee (Union). B.H. was 46 years old in 1897 and I am not sure if he fits in my line but he might be your B.H. Hyde

  • It was a pleasure to help you. We are always excited to connect a Hyde to their ancestors.
    I trust the 20 plus document scans were just what you needed. Another success story !!!!!!!!

  • I am currently working on a book “The 109th Remembered: The complete history of the 109th New York Volunteer Infantry. Robert H. S. Hyde Sr. born in 1785 arrived in Speedsville, New York from Virginia in 1805 along with a number of slaves. Robert and his wife settled on the Weston Road.

    In 1818, Robert H. S Hyde 2nd was born to Robert Hyde Sr. Hyde Jr. was married to Louisa Ann Hyde born in (1818 – 1862).
    three children were born to Robert Jr. and Louisa. Charles H. Hyde born in 1847, Mary J. Hyde born in 1849 and Antoinette L. born in 1857.

    Are this Hyde family and relation?

    • Mary, your question is very straightforward and the answer to it is extremely involved. I’ve been working on an answer for over a month, and the reason it’s complicated is that it actually does appear to involve a distant cousin of a branch of the Cheshire Hydes who were related to the now extinct Clarendon branch. This is going to take a while because it requires work in Annapolis, which I can do because I’m nearby, however, I’m won’t be able to get to it until roughly mid June due to a foot injury. Email me at ann.sterling@gmail.com and we can discuss further.

  • My husband and I have research our families for many years. it was not until my husband had his DNA done that we were aware of a Hyde connection. We were unable to find the wife of Moses Lane of Barren county, KY. He was born in Virginia but came to Kentucky at an early age. The records of Monroe County and Allen County were destroyed. We only have census records to go on. Moses’ wife died before census records listed names of family members. There was a Benjamin Hyde born in North Carolina who lived in Allen County, Ky very near where Moses Lane lived. The DNA connected my husband to descendents of Benjamin Hyde through his son Joseph Hyde. I would appreciate help in finding where records are in North Carolina that pertain to Benjamin and his family.

    • Alfreda, Moses Lane of Barren Co, KY appears to have been married twice. Technically, there were two Moses Lanes, the first appears in the Barren, KY census in 1810 and 1820 then moves to TN, the second appears from 1830 onward and is the elder Moses’ nephew. This younger Moses’ parents were Thomas Lane and Elizabeth Wilkinson, married Pittsylvania Co, VA in 1790. Moses the nephew of Barren, KY appears to have married his first wife between 1810-1815. She may or may not have been a Hide, all that can be determined is that there was a female in the household who passed away prior to the 1850 census. Next door to Moses is “Seary” Hide, born approx 1821 in KY, both parents born SC.
      In the 1860 census, Moses and “Lear” Lane and their children are in one household. Leah Hide is often listed in ancestral trees as “Leah Leear Hide” – Leear was not her middle name but likely her first name pronounced with an intrusive R (example “idea” becomes “idear”). If you’d like answers to more specific questions please feel free to email either Tom (docHyde) or myself. He and I are working on sorting out what we have on her grandfather, who was the Benjamin Hide married to Leah Lee. Most of the online information for him is confused with all the other Benjamin Hides of the period.

      • Ann – My grandmother was Claudie Hyde, daughter of Joseph Wesley Hyde and Elizabeth Jones. She was born in Barren County, Ky in 1889. My research has been a bit confusing also due to the other Benjamin Hides of that period. It appears to me that Joseph Hide, father of Joseph Wesley, married twice. Joseph fathered three children from the first marriage; Rachel b. 1824, William b. 1829, and Leah b 1830. His first wife apparently died leaving him with very small children, so after the birth of Leah and before the birth of David, he must have married Sara Ann. The second marriage resulted in the birth of seven children, including my great-grandfather Joseph Wesley Hyde.
        I too have contemplated on the census report listing Benjamin Hide in the adjacent household of Mosely. I’ve tried to find a connection between the listed female and Benjamin, but so far it’s a dead-end.
        One curious observation I’ve made is the disappearance of most Hides from Allen County within a very short period. I researched the dates that Allen, Barren, and Simpson Counties were established, thinking they were simply listed in another county.

        A very confusing observation is the listing of Seary in a census record as the head of household where Joseph Wesley lived. If my multiple marriage assumption is correct, the name should have been Leah (Leary, the half-sister of Joseph that raised him and his siblings after the loss of Joseph and Sara Ann. Hopefully, someone can shed some light on this one.

        Joseph Wesley appeared to have lived in the Lane household for several years before going out on his own. So does a marriage certificate confirm her name as Seary or Leah?

        If you have evidence that this line of reasoning is in fault, I will be most appreciative of more solid research.

        This is a great blog, and I enjoy everyone’s input. Keep up the great research!

        • Mike, I’ve got Ellen and Ben’s queries ahead of you, but Tom and I have discussed Leah and family at length so all three of you should have answers in the next several days. As far as “Seary” goes, I recall that we came up with a few theories. In one of the last censuses that Leah appears in, she is surrounded by members of the Sears family – I recall that they are employing at least one of her children, possibly two. So there may be an as yet unknown connection with this family. Or it may simply be that someone named Seary was watching the children at that time – Seary is a surname that could easily be used as a forename. Another possibility is linguistic, and I can’t quite pull out the exact term, I think it may be “linking” or “intrusive R” – where are my old textbooks? lol – but in one or two records she appears as “Lear”, so it’s possible that a nickname could be “Leary”, essentially Leah + intrusive R + diminutive, misheard or misinterpreted as Seary. Not that we’re overthinking it or anything.

          • Never got a reply on my Samuel Jude’s of Tangipahoa Parish Louisiana who , according to various published trees, cam from North Carolina.

            • Ben, I did reply back on May 28th, but I think there are some glitches in our system and Dan and I have to sit down and figure out how best to handle things. I thought the “show all comments” feature would fix it – but unfortunately all comments are not being shown. I should mention to everyone that there are two check-boxes on the bottom of the comment screen, and if you check them *before* sending your message, you’ll get an email notification when people respond. One is just for your question, the other for every time someone posts to that particular page. The link to your original post and my response is on this page http://www.hydegenealogy.org/blog/?p=119 and you can use your browser to search within the page for Samuel. I know it’s not ideal, but it’s free. I’m glad you sent a nudge though – that is always appreciated. Samuel was a Methodist – it seems to me that got its start in MD. Currently, I do think Jesse is the most likely candidate to be Samuel’s father, but I’m hesitant to confirm for a number of reasons, mainly having to do with a lack of paper. And I won’t say that you’re not descended from William, because that is possible, but I’ve seen the trees that purport to show this and they are…random.

          • Ann, I have a living aunt (age 98) whose mother was a Hyde born in 1889 in Barren County, KY. Her mother, Claudia Hyde, was a daughter of Joseph Wesley Hyde, who is listed in the 1850 Barren County census record. What could be done using my aunts DNA test results that would link our Hyde linage with that of Benjamin Hide?

            • Michael, have you exchanged info with Tom “Doc” Hyde? Barren County, KY is an area where he’s done extensive research. No DNA test can definitively link you to a particular individual but it can suggest whether or not you and another individual have a common ancestor. Y-DNA is the best test for a particular surname, but that’s a male-only test. Your aunt could do an autosomal DNA test, like Alfreda in an earlier comment on this page (use “find in page”), which can be useful for finding cousins back about 4-5 generations. Your aunt might or might not have Hyde surname matches, or she might have a match with a non-Hyde who has Benjamin Hide of KY in their extended tree. Joseph Wesley Hyde’s tree is one of so many that purports to link back to the confused tangle that is Benjamin Hide and Leah Lee, or possibly Benjamin and Elizabeth Rebecca Leatherwood. The thing is, Barren County, KY has only two genetically distinct groups of Hide/Hydes in the early part of the 19th century. Descendants of the Benjamin who married Leatherwood are genetically unrelated (Y-DNA test) to the descendants of Ansel and the group who moved from Pickens, SC. My issue is that I can’t tie the Benjamin Hide who married Leah Lee to either one of these families and, unfortunately, autosomal DNA can’t really help us there. Tom and I are still working on the paper trail, in fact three of the queries that I haven’t answered yet involve this family. What has been most helpful is focusing on the women, because the families tended to travel together – two Hide – Fisher marriages and two Hide – Jones marriages, for example. So as far as what can be done with autosomal DNA, I can’t say that it wouldn’t be useful for finding cousins, not necessarily Hyde cousins, but what it could not do is tell us what we need to know about Benjamin Hide.

        • I connect to Elizabeth Jones! Her father David was living with thin when he died!
          I descend from her brother Tom Jones!

  • This is Tom Hyde. I have done extensive research on the Hide/Hydse’s in Kentucky. I’d be happy to assist. First things first, we need to establish what leads you to the Hyde family since no direct line. I’d be happy to look at your husband’s DNA. We have a pool of over 30 Hyde’s who have taken the Y-DNA tests and can zero in to help you. We don’t do this on this Hyde forum for security purposes. But if you can contact me on my private email at dochyde2020@hotmail.com I will be happy to evaluate and give you any help I can.

  • Ann,

    Thank you for the prompt reply. How do I ensure I’m on distribution for the newsletter article?


  • I am a descendant of the Jesse Daniel Hyde of Hall County, Georgia and Winston County, Alabama. Some really wonderful genealogist in our families have done great work and published what they found. The publications are of the Hyde and Barton families. I also have a lot of info on the Rowells and Tidwells of Winston county, Alabama. Many of these family lines crossed there. If I can look anything up for you in what I have let me know.

    • Hi Sheila, my Hyde ancestors are also from Hall Co., GA, migrated to Winston Co., AL. I would love to exchange information with you.

      Diane Parvin

  • I am currently trying to find information on John T Hyde born 1883 in North Carolina. His daughter Margaret Estelle Hyde was my grandmother. I believe William Harvey Hyde (born 1854) was his father, however I am not 100% sure. His father I believe is John Bangor Hyde born 1830. I can trace this line to the Hyde family of Newton, Mass. with Jonathan Hyde as my ancestor who came to America in 1639 from England. Does anyone have any additional information with this Hyde family line? I just want to make sure I am linking the right people to make this lineage correct.

    • Amanda, there’s some confusion here. An W Estelle Hyde appears with her parents in the 1920 and 1930 censuses for Swain and Jackson, NC, however, Florida marriage records suggest that an Estelle Harrison married Hemphill. Okay, issue resolved via SSN applications, parents of Margaret Estelle Hyde married to Pat Hemphill shown as John T (Thomas) Hyde and Sarah C. (Candace) DeLozier. Death cert for John T Hyde shows born 14 May 1883 Judson, NC, died 4 Aug 1960, parents Harvey Hyde and Nancy Colvard, informant was Kenyon Hyde of Franklin, NC. Nancy Colvard’s parents were James C. Colvard and Catherine Mahala Sherrill. Harvey Hyde’s parents were…need to confirm with extensive collections in the Catawba County, NC library…also, most of the individuals we are speaking of were buried in the old Hyde and Montieth Cemeteries of Swain County and what could be recovered by 1943 was later moved to the Lauada Cemetery in Bryson City, Swain County, NC…Harvey Hyde’s parents were…hmm. There seems to be no shortage of Harveys and/or William Harvey Hydes in this extended family. Note also continued use of Hazeltine/Haseltine as middle name. Okay, this particular Harvey Hyde’s parents were … Harumph. I can’t say for sure. There were two Harvey/Harvies and at least 3 William Harveys, and they all had the same grandparents or in one case, parent, and he was the Benjamin Hyde married to Cynthia Sherrill. Benjamin Jr was the son of Benjamin Sr, married to Elizabeth/Rebecca Leatherwood. Benjamin Sr was the son of John Hyde/Hide, one of the first settlers in the Catawba, NC region and his line is the subject of our next big newsletter article concerning the Hydes, Leatherwoods and Cherokee Betsey Walker. I’m going to post this now and review the five or so Harveys so that we can determine the correct one as the parent of John T Hyde. I suspect that you’re right about John Banger/Bangor/Barringer/Barger as the correct father, just need to find the appropriate bits of paper to show it. Now, as far as this John B’s link to Jonathan of MA, please email me ann.sterling@gmail.com and let me know what you’ve got. I’ll tell you in advance that I’m skeptical, because I think I’ve seen this before, but one never knows. In approximately two weeks, we’re going to put up a page for Benjamin Hyde Sr (the one married to Leatherwood) as hashing out the correct genealogy for the Walker, Leatherwood, Hyde, Colvard, Sherrill and quite a few other families will help to make sense of the story that will appear in our long-delayed newsletter. I’ve been trying to figure out how best to lay out my nearly book-sized pages of notes concerning Elizabeth Walker, because understanding the genealogy is critical to understanding the relationships of the people involved, but at the same time, that level of genealogical detail obscures the story itself. Hyde researchers and David Leatherwood will be receiving a first draft of the article in the next week or so.

  • Amanda, I have this family mapped out in detail if you have any questions.
    You originally threw me off when you mentioned this family from Newton, Mass. on Jonathan Hyde family line, which of course is not proven to be true. Email me for details or questions. dochyde2020@hotmail.com

  • Hi everybody
    I’ve begun to work out my Hyde family connections and have contacted Tom, who suggested posting here. I’ve put together a lot of information about the family of William Hyde and Charlotte Parker in the mid 1800s but still have a lot of questions- I know practically nothing about William himself, other than he had Alabama connections and disappears before 1840, when Charlotte is head of a household in Edgecombe County NC. Her children were John, Stephen, Martha and James Thomas. Most of them remained in the Edgecombe, Martin and Wilson County area. I am looking for information about William and especially about Stephen and Stephen’s son Eugene, who was my great great grandfather. I have a lot of information to share.
    Also looking for information about Nick Hyde, born in Wilson or Martin County around 1903, raised in Hyde County, and eventually moved to Durham, and Robert Hyde (or Lee) born around 1913 and adopted around 1922.

    • Well this is serendipitous. I emailed Tom a few days ago asking about William A. Hyde/Hide and Charlotte Parker, because I ran into them while researching the James Thomas Hyde buried in Wake County, NC that you mention. This family is strongly associated with the Bell family of Edgecombe. James Thomas also has some sort of tie to Bibb and Autauga counties in Alabama, so there’s a possible association with William Christopher Hyde. I don’t know anything more than that at the present time. I’m a bit buried with other projects at the moment but hopefully someone out there knows this family?

      • Hi Ann
        Thanks. I have come across the name Bell several times in association with the Hydes, as well as Knight, Anderson and Pittman. I did not know about any Alabama connections for James Thomas. He’s a puzzle- I assume him to be a son of Charlotte, but her administration papers of 1885 name only her grandchildren as heirs-at-law; though he was still alive, he is not mentioned, which seems odd if he was a son… Not familiar with William Christopher Hyde. Any help (no rush- whenever convenient) is appreciated.

    • Greetings Mike,
      I cannot believe I’ve found someone looking for Eugene Hyde (1850-1928) in Martin, NC. His daughter, Della Hyde (1882-1917) is my grandfather’s mother. My grandfather’s name is John Nick Hyde (1903-1981). He lived in Durham, NC with my grandmother, Laura Gertrude Sawyer Hyde.
      I have been trying to piece the puzzle of my grandfather’s life together, especially trying to find out who his father was. He did have two sisters, Rosa and Pearl, but no mention of a father for them either. I would very much like to correspond with you about this Hyde family connection.

    • Nick Hyde was my grandfather. He passed away 9/8/1981 in Durham, NC. Eugene was his GRANDfather 1850-1928 and Mary Taylor Hyde was his GRANDmother born 1846-1928. Nick’s mother was Della Hyde. I’m trying to find who Nick’s father was.
      Stories have been told that Nick was orphaned: his parents killed in horse & buggy accident. Find this story to be false since Nick and sisters Rosa and Pearl, lived with their grandparents, Eugene & Mary, for many years.
      Any information you have regarding Nick John Hyde and who his father was would be greatly appreciated. Or, even if you have any information regarding his mother, Della. Her death certificate indicates she was married at the time of her death. Did she marry a “Hyde” since that is the name on her death certificate? I’m thinking this is in error.
      In regard to Robert Hyde/Lee, he is noted on one of the census as a cousin or nephew.
      FYI: Nick married Eula Mae Sawyer 1/7/1928 and had 3 children. He was seeing my grandmother, Laura Gertrude Hyde in the 1930’s, having 3 children with her. I found the marriage and divorce records for Nick and Eula, but no marriage record for Nick and Gertrude. (Tangled family web as my mother, daughter of Gertrude, was born about the time Hazel, daughter of Eula was born…Nick being the father of both.)
      Gertrude and Nick have one daughter still living, but no information can be gained from her. Hope you have some new information to shed light on my grandfather and his parents.

    • Greetings Mike,
      Nick Hyde was born in Martin, NC (4/2/1903) although most dates show 4/2/1899. Common law wife: Laura Gertrude Sawyer which Nick lived with in Durham from sometime in the 1930’s until his death.
      Eugene Hyde, I believe is his grandfather, son of Stephen Hyde.

      Nick Hyde was my grandfather; he passed away in September 1981 in Durham, NC. I’ve been trying to find out if Della Hyde (Eugene’s daughter) was his mother and if Rosa and Pearl were his siblings.

      From your post, it sounds like you have additional information that could be useful to me in my search. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.

      • Hi Debra
        I am so sorry not to have checked back to this website and found your replies. I am Pearl’s grandson, and have done a lot of work on her family. I’d really love to compare notes.

      • Hi Debra
        I have done a lot of research on Pearl’s family, but the accumulated info hasn’t made things much clearer- well, not for the biggest questions I have. In fact, it seems most of what I uncover are mysteries. Many family members appear to have changed their forenames, sometimes more than once. But here are a few main elements that I’ve found.

        First, in response to your specific question, I haven’t found any information whatsoever about the father of John/Nick, Rose, Pearl and Robert. I do not believe Della was ever married, and I’m not sure that the children all have the same father. The first three were evidently born in Wilson County and maybe Robert was too, but there’s a good chance he was born in Martin County. Our family tradition holds that Pearl’s father was named Henry Harrell, but she did not know him, and I don’t know how they arrived at that name. John and Rose were unknown to us until I found them in the Hyde household in the censuses.

        Our tradition also holds that Pearl and Robert were forcibly removed from their family by the state. We were always told that the children were taken from Della, but my guess is that they were taken from Eugene & Mary who were too old and too poor to care for them. John & Rose were probably on their own by then (the last record for both of them is the 1920 census). After years in foster homes, Pearl married my grandfather in 1926. Her first cousins, children of Della’s sister Laura, were similarly removed by the state.

        Here’s a brief chart of the generations I’ve been able to uncover, starting with Della’s family (note I’m not completely sure of some of this:

        Eugene Hyde married Mary Bowers first, then Mary Taylor (officially or unofficially). Children:
        Della Hyde
        Laura Hyde married Cullie Pridgen, George Bowers, Cromwell Rawls
        Sarah Hyde (may be a different name for Laura)
        Eugene/LeeGene/William Hyde married Annie Pridgen
        Unnamed child or two

        Stephen Hyde married Philicia (Alsobrook). Children:
        Mary Hyde married Andrew Weaver
        Laura Hyde married James Anderson
        Eugene Hyde married Mary Bowers, Mary Taylor
        Benjamin Hyde married Mary Holland
        Frank Hyde

        William Hyde married Charlotte Parker. Children:
        John Hyde married Thursey Ann Valentine
        Stephen Hyde married Phelicia (Alsobrook?)
        Unknown daughter married a man named Baker
        James Thomas Hyde married Martha Pittman

        William and Charlotte supposedly married in Alabama. He may have been from there, either born there or moved there from elsewhere; she was originally from NC. His parents are unknown but hers were Jonas Parker & Zilphea Wells.

        The story of Eugene and the two Marys is a long and complicated one.

        I’d love to find out more about Nick/John myself. How did he end up in Hyde County as a young man? When did he change his name? There’s a lot more info, but so much is on the sensitive side, and so much is theory or speculation, I’d prefer to do it privately if we can…

        Thanks again- I will check in more often!


            • Hi Ann I haven’t received anything; if you could re-send that would be great. I would love to be in touch with Debra as well.

            • Greetings Ann,
              I’ve not been in touch with the project for a while. I see where you have sent an email to Mike Duffy and myself. I’m sorry , but I did not receive this email. Is it possible to still receive the information you were sending?
              Many thanks,

        • Greetings Mike,
          I had all but given up hope of ever finding information into this branch of the Hyde family. I’ve only recently begun to search again (I’ve been working on my husband’s family history) and I was excited to see your response.
          Our notes correspond for the most part: Stephen Hyde (Hide) & Phelicia (Alsobrook) – Edgecombe, NC — Eugene (Yuchin) Hyde & Mary (Bowers) – Wilson & Martin, NC — Della, William, Laura, Eugene (Jr.) — Wilson & Martin, NC.
          Now for John, Rose and Pearl. I believe that my grandfather, Nick (Nicholas) Hyde may be “John.” My aunt mentioned “Pearl” my grandfather’s sister, to whom he spoke fondly of. (I have researched Pearl Harrell). I am also under the assumption that Eugene & Mary (Bowers, then Turner) were unable to care for the children as they died poor (with reference to the “county home”).
          I am also under the assumption that Della never married, although her death certificate states she was married (as best as I can tell); and that Della also died poor.
          I do believe my grandfather changed his name (from John to Nick) although I cannot prove this. However, oddly enough, on his marriage license (Nick Hyde and Eula Mae Sawyer), he lists Eugene Hyde (his grandfather) as his father and Della Hyde as his mother. Unfortunately, an affair between Nick and, I believe Eula Mae’s great niece (?) Laura Gertrude Sawyer (my grandmother) took place. He left Eula Mae for my grandmother but it is assumed these two never married.
          My mother told me that my grandfather was orphaned, that his parents died in a horse and buggy accident when he was young. My aunt adds that a Mr. Wilkinson/Wilkerson in Hyde County raised my grandfather. A granddaughter of Nick & Eula Mae’s was told that he was disowned by his Indian mother, that the tribe did not consider him family. (Which would explain why they are listed as “mulattos” on some census documents.)
          So, the stories are plenty. And as you have surmised, the names have been changed for whatever reason.
          I would very much like the chance to exchange information–that which is too long or too sensitive to post.
          Best regards,

            • Ann,

              I hav been in touch with both Debra and Mike. I would lov to learn more about Nick as well. If you ever BT mind sharing any information that you may have. Debra, I remember hearing that story you mentioned about being being disowned.

  • Per my family tree database, my 4th great-grandfather was Benjamin Wesley Hyde, Sr (b. 1772-d. 1850) who married Elizabeth Rebecca “Patsy” Leatherwood (b. 1783 – d. 1841) and they lived in Mecklenburg county, NC. HIs wife was reported to have been born a member of a Cherokee tribe in Burke county, NC.
    Their daughter, Mary Suzannah/Susannah Hyde (b. 1799- d. 1864) married Reverend David Alexander Elder (b. 1794 – d. 1856). The location of their deaths could be either in NC, possibly Lincoln county, or in Hopkins county, TX.
    Their daughter Margaret Minerva Elder was born in 1835 in Macon, NC and died in Pilot Point, TX in 1916. She reportedly had 3 husbands, J.R. Bryant, John Mathis Jordon, and Caleb Ashbury Earp. Apparently she migrated to TX with her second husband, John Jordon, before 1859 and prior the Civil War.
    A daughter of John and Margaret Jordon, Mary Elizabeth “Molly” Jordon (b.1861 – d. 1951) married Edmond Powhattan Welch (b. 1852 – d. 1919). Molly Welch was one of my paternal great grandmothers.
    If anyone can verify the link of this line to the Hyde family, I will great appreciate it. I am willing to share information I have on Hyde/Leatherwood and their descendants, but assume others using this site know more than I have.

  • I am hoping someone may be able to help with linking a Hyde family line in the Cayman Islands. I have seen a reference of a Joshua perry Hyde m. Rachel Ann Rivers who supposedly were from NC (possibly loyalists)
    They are said to have left NC and moved to the Cayman Islands.
    Thank you

    • Hi Suzanne! My original reply is here, see http://www.hydegenealogy.org/blog/?p=119 and do a search in your browser for “Cayman” to view. Some of the oldest records for the Cayman Islands are held in archives in Great Britain and on Jamaica, but the rest can be found here: http://www.candoo.com/genresources/#CAYMANS I would recommend contacting a researcher there, as what I have seen of the online databases on FamilySearch.org and several of the paid services are too piecemeal to construct anything useful. Tom and I were not able to find a Joshua Hyde in NC in the time period you mention and would need further information to locate his family. There is a Bay Island genealogy list that may be of interest to you as some later family members went there, this and other Caribbean genealogy mailing lists are here: http://www.cyndislist.com/caribbean/social/

  • Hi, I am working on my Hyde family tree, my father was Terry Forest Hyde SR., his father was William Cornelious Harrison Hyde, his father was Cornelious M Hyde ( went my Neal, Nel, etc) and his father was Benjamin A Hyde. I have been gathering old family photos and have some great ones of William CH, still have boxes to go through though. I would love to participate in research on this line and help if possible. My brother, my father and myself all had our DNA done on 23 and Me as well.

  • Since you gave no date we only can speculate this might be who you are referring to:
    Cornelius “Neil” Jesse Hyde Sr
    Birth 20 OCT 1883 • Hammond, Tangipahoa, LA,
    Death 29 OCT 1955 • New Orleans, LA,
    Contact me at dochyde2020@hotmail.com
    Tom Hyde

    • Hello Tom,

      That isn’t the one, apologies for not providing dates, I wasn’t really sure what to provide. I will reach out to you with more info.

  • David, I hope you are still looking at this page. I can’t remember if I’ve touched base with you yet, or not! I’m a Benjamin Hyde/Elizabeth Rebecca Leatherwood descendant and I’m trying to get as much info as I can about them and about Betsy Walker. Would love to see what you have, and Tom, would love to read the newsletter with the article about the Hydes, Leatherwoods and Walkers.

    Thank you!

    Kelly Faircloth

  • The Benjamin Hide / Rebecca Leatherwoods article is coming out later this Summer.
    Ann is finishing Humphrey Hide article first.
    Thanks Ann for all your hard work and organization.

  • I am very willing to help, but I don’t trust any information easily.
    I’ve been led around and around…My maiden name is Hyde and
    I am confident back to my 2nd great grandfather, William Hyde born
    To John and Lucinda (Heathcoat) Hyde in sangamon county, IL in 1857.
    I did dna testing and they say there is a very high chance that I am
    A 4th cousin of Arthur Hyde and/or his father from Barren/Allen Co. KY.
    The father seems to be Benjamin Hyde born 1770 in NC. I’m looking for
    Paper sources to support my dna and stories. Hope you will give me admission!

  • Craig, you’re right in that there’s no place on the site itself to request membership, however, we do have a section about it in the menu above. Much of what we do is original research and we’re willing to share it, but we have policies in place to ensure that information – both our own and that which is provided to us – is not misused, that sources are properly attributed, and that faulty data is corrected – at least on this web site if not on the internet as a whole. We get a lot of requests in November and December, and we’re gearing up for that now.

  • Hi Ann! I reached out some time ago about my Hyde line on this page and got an email response that you all had additional info but no one ever sent me the info or gave me access to it. Not sure what the next step is? I have documentation currently of my line from my grandfather James Forest Hyde, his father William Cornelius Harrison Hyde, his father Cornelius Marion Hyde, his father Benjamin A. Hyde (North Carolina 1820-1863 ish), his father John Aaron Hyde (North Carolina 1797-1892), his father Benjamin Wesley Hyde (north Carolina 1772-1855). I would like to compare notes etc. Can someone please assist? TYIA <3

  • Benjamin Wesley’s father was John Henry Hyde
    Birth ABT. 1740 • Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
    Death AFT. 1815 • North Carolina

    His Father was William Hyde, Sr
    Birth ABT. 1715
    Death 1750 • Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

    We have been doing extensive research in Pennsylvania the past 6 months, Slow Process

  • Betty, Greg, Frances, Wendy and others to whom I own email – I’m going through a period where I am not able to do genealogical research. A few of the more pressing issues might resolve at the end of this month and I am hoping that will be the case. Now, Betty, since your query involves Betsey Walker, the same name involved in the majority of my unanswered queries, I can answer as this information is at hand. Benjamin Holcom (many spellings, Haulcom, Holcome, Holcomb, etc.) married Elizabeth M Walker in Monroe, TN on 2 Oct 1838. She was one of many women named Betsey Walker and she was not Cherokee.
    See 7118, https://books.google.com/books?id=bOoZ_0sUznQC&pg=PA20&dq=%22Isaac+nicholson%22+cherokee&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjw0-rpjerYAhVDC6wKHfjOAkoQ6AEIKTAA#v=snippet&q=500&f=false
    Holcomb descendants were claiming through Isaac Nicholson (Nickalson, var spellings). Something that might clarify is a probate record 10 Oct Monroe County, available with a free login here: https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/1909088
    Benjamin Holcome, acting executor of Isaac Nicholson, deceased, to Eli Newland, both of Monroe County. Newland possibly related to Holcomb’s mother. Stay tuned for the two big projects in Feb, one of which does involve Betsey Walker.

  • Noel Hyde is the ancestor I am researching. This is our line of family descent: Our Noel Hyde’s parents were Mollie (Waddell, born 1753, Stanley County, North Carolina),and Stephen Hyde, born 1750, Surry County, North Carolina. Noel had a son named Charles William Hyde, born Pickens County, South Carolina, who married Mary Williams. They had a son named Charles William Waddell Hyde, who died in 1927 in Gilmer County, Georgia. This C. W. W. Hyde had a son, Noel Edward Hyde named for his great grandfather. This Noel died in 1927 in Gilmer County, Georgia. My grandfather, I knew quite well, was Ira Herschel Hyde, Noel’s brother. So, they share the same ancestry. Now for the question that confuses me. The first Noel Hyde was born in 1772/76 and lived through the birth of America to the start of the Civil War. Quite a life! This Noel was a licensed preacher and Master of the Gospel in Rabun Co. Georgia, where he had land obtained in the 1827 Land Lottery. He also preached at Long Creek Church, Mount Rest,South Carolina. This Noel died in 1860 in Gilmer County, Georgia, at 88 years of age. He lived most of his life in the Greenville, South Carolina area, where he married Elizabeth Black. They had 12 children. Question: Could this be the same Noel Hide/Hyde born in Rowan County, North Carolina? In 1790 there was a Stephen Hide (his father?) living in Surry, North Carolina. Noel seemed to live most of his life in South Carolina. Please clarify, if possible. Many thanks.

  • Yes, the Noel who married Elizabeth Black is the same man, and the Stephen who married Mollie Waddell/Waddle was his father. There were three unrelated Stephens in the area from three separate Hide/Hyde families and they often get confused with one another. Tom “Doc” Hyde should be in touch with you soon, as this is his line.

  • Hi Ann,
    My name is Bonnie(Hyde) Davis. I live in Pleasant Hill, Oregon.
    I am now retired and finally have the time to research my Hyde family. I am delighted to have found this forum.
    I had my DNA tested with ancestry.com.
    My grandfathers that I know of came from Arkansas, from Georgia, from Alabama and possibly from N. Carolina.
    My Hyde line that I know of are as follows: My dad, Thomas D. Hyde Jr., Thomas D. Hyde Sr., Perry Dalton Hyde,
    Wm. Henry Hyde, David Hyde Jr., David Hyde, Sr.
    I am trying to find out who David Hyde Sr.’s dad was and what line they came from. Thanks for any help.
    My dad always told us the only thing he knew was that there were 2 Hyde brothers that came from England or Ireland about the time of the Mayflower. One went north and one went south.
    I have since found that there were 4 brothers, but I’m not sure if they are the ones I am related to.
    They were: John–N. Carolina, Wm.–Ohio, Fidella (Albert)–N. York, and Benjamin ?. They came from Liverpool about 1616-1630’s.
    Please let me know how I can join this amazing forum. Thanks!!

    • Bonnie, your line is well documented back to David Jr in Hall County, GA, so this appears to be a relative of Micajah Hide/Hyde. I’m going to pass along your contact information to Diane, the genealogist for this line.

  • I am trying to locate a photograph of my GG grandfather, Samuel Hyde, B 29 Dec 1841, D 16 Sept 1931. He had two children that lived to adulthood. My g grandfather Joseph Allan Hyde and a daughter Mary who married a Hultz or Hults that lived in Hancock, Kentucky He lived in the Cannelton, Indiana area and served in the Union Army during the Civil War. I have a photo of his father Joseph Hyde. Thanks for any help.

  • Hello,
    My husband has just received his DNA results from Ancestry and in looking at a number of family trees connected through DNA , we have seen that he is related to a John Hyde who was born in 1774 and lived in North Carolina. My husband’s mother’s maiden name is Hyde and the trees we have viewed trace the Hyde lineage directly from John Hyde through to my husband’s grandfather. How can we register for this project and access the resources to make more connections?
    Thank you

    • Christine, I’m just glossing over the subject of DNA very briefly only as it applies to your question. The Ancestry test is autosomal and like all but one of the tests out there, will show matches for cousins within approximately 5-6 generations. So if we carefully go through your paper trail, you will find that you are related to the person who put John Hyde’s tree up, but most likely not in the way it appears. What I recommend doing is compiling your paper trail with personal interviews and documentation, then telling us what you know of your husband’s maternal grandfather’s family. It may fit into one of our known lines. You don’t have to register, we don’t have a membership structure at the present time. I’m hoping that will change when I have more time to devote to research.

    • I hesitate to say that you fit into a particular line without researching your grandparents, as McMinn TN, had quite a few Hydes. Please tell us more about your furthest Hyde ancestor that you have been able to confirm.

    • Dale,

      You misunderstand the meaning of the “Not secure” message in your web browser. “Not secure” means you should not trust the website for any financial transactions such as supplying your credit card number to purchase something. The Hyde Genealogy website does not do any selling of merchandise and does not need a trusted website which cost more to run. Dan Hyde

      • Thank you Dan. I’m old and old school. I’m Of the North Carolina Hyde’s. Of which gets me back To 1645 Jamestown. Most of all my work I did back in the 1980’s. I have done two DNA tests Myheritage and CRI Genetics. Both, I guess, can’t be used with your research. Feel free to contact me by email.

        • Dale, Sorry for the late response to your post. You and your research are important to our site. Several years back Tom and I set out to unravel the various Hyde surname families in North Carolina. It would be great to compare our findings with your research.
          Also, we would like to get your DNA test results. I maintain a private YDNA database collected from many sites that are now closed. I can compare your DNA with a larger sampling of DNA than Family Tree DNA.
          My direct email address is naned68@comcast.net.
          Looking forward to hearing from you.
          Ed Hyde, Texas

        • Good Morning Dale! I started collecting info from a great-aunt about 40 years ago. Then a cousin, John Hyde (Alabama) conducted ALOT of research. I later used online research but wasn’t able to isolate My Hyde line. I quit looking at online family trees and just traced back using official documents. I realized the same families had moved together from Virginia, thru the Carolinas, and Georgia, to Alabama. This method put Richard Hide from. Chippoake Creek as my first ancestor in America. ANYWAY…I recently found an online DNA match who’s family tree includes Cox and Cotton. Now I need to check and see if that indicates dna matches to those well documented Hyde connections. Will let you know.

  • Dale, your computer won’t pick up anything from browsing the site. Dan used to teach computer science at Bucknell, and he built much of what you see. I haven’t spent money for a Secure Server (SSL) certificate yet because there’s no need for encryption and SSL certs are not cheap. But an SSL cert is something to consider, especially if we ever do some of the collaborative projects that I have in mind. So this may change; I’ll look into it.

  • Ann, Thank you for your response. It is a little disconcerting to be staring at a red exclamation mark followed with a red “Not secure” in my face…lol My only thought many groups are coalescing on Facebook. I am on Facebook, feel free to contact me there too. I reside in Tennessee.

    • Dale, Tom Hyde here, I have helped with the Hyde North Carolina Project for years.
      Contact me at Dochyde2020@hotmail.com for more information.
      We have lots of documents and information.
      Thanks for checking in on HydeGenealogy.com

  • I am Art David Hyde. My great, great grandfather was William Christopher Hyde. His father, we think, is Austin Hyde from Hall Georgia. I live in Oklahoma but most of my family lives in Alabama.

  • Art,
    I am Arthur Tom Hyde and DNA related to your William Christopher Hyde as he was one of my GGG grandfathers uncles.
    Leah Hyde Latimer is directly related.
    Tell her I gave you her email. ldlat7@gmail.com
    I have lots of research on our family, but like you have run into a brick wall. I am in Virginia now following a new lead.
    You can contact me directly by email.
    Arthur Tom HYde

  • I have not researched my Hyde line for years because I could never get past one ancestor. Seeing this page gives me hope. My line descends from William Hyde, who was born c 1829 in Tennessee. His father is believed to be either Joseph or Edward Hyde, of North Carolina. If Joseph, his grandparents would be Benjamin Hyde and Leah Lee. There has never been any hard proof. William married #1 Louisa T McDonald in 1852 in Christian CO KY. His 2nd wife, Lucinda M. Gray (a descendant of Gerretje Grau–Garret Gray) is my line. They were married in 1870 in Caldwell Co KY. William was a tanner. Security for mis marriage was given by an Edward Hyde. He died between 1876 and 1878. Lucinda then moved with her adult children to Dallas Texas. She died in 1917. Their children: Mary Jane (1870-1919) m William H Campbell. Robert Louis (1872-1916) m Norah Ballou. JOHN THOMAS (1875-1947) m. Teresdia GRISSOM. They were my great grandparents. We believe that William was the son of Josepf because there were other Hydes in Caldwell Co KY that have been linked to Joseph: Solomon Hyde b. 1850 who m. Sarah Satterfield; David Hyde b c1835 who m. Jeanette Ray; and Edward Hyde b 22 Apr 1836 who married Martha E. Gray (part of Lucinda’s Gray family). And tips would be appreciated. My mother was an only child and none of the Hyde relatives are alive now…they did not know anything when they were.

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