• I am stuck. My 3 times great grandfather was Charles Hyde, born 1786 in Vermont and died 1867 in Michigan. His wife was Mary Ingalls. I believe they had 10 children. My great-great grandfather was Allen G Hyde, born in New York in 1833. I have had no luck in my research in finding Charles’ parents. Please let me know if you have any information on this line. Thank you!

    • Hi Kristy,

      Thanks for sending us a query.

      It would help us narrow down our search if you could tell us what town in Vermont Charles lived. A lot of Hydes lives in Vermont! Also, it would be useful if you knew any of Charles’ sisters or brothers names and their spouse’s names and dates. And Allen G Hyde’s brother and sisters and spouses.

      Dan C Hyde

  • Thank you for responding so quickly! Some other information I have is that Charles’ wife Mary was born in Danville, Vermont in Caledonia County. I am not sure where Charles was born. They were married in 1820. I have the names of a few of the children. Maria born 1832, Allen & Alvin born 1833 (twins), Harriet born 1836. The children were born in Lima, NY. They moved to Armada, MI in 1841.

  • I am trying to find information unto my family lineage… My grandmother Lilymae passed away last year and always said I am a decendent of sir nicholas hyde

  • Ok so I was way off… I know my grandfather was born in orchard washington and his parents were george and bella hyde… Thats as far back as i can find

  • Thank for the great site! I’m researching Katherine Hyde, the wife of Reverend Obadiah Holmes of Newport RI. Obadiah was born March 18, 1609 in Reddish, Lancashire, the son of Robert Holmes/Hulme and Katherine Johnson of Stockport. Obadiah married Katherine Hyde November 20, 1630 in Collegiate Church, Manchester. I know that a Robert Holmes had property in Denton near a Robert Hyde of Denton and a Robert Hyde of Norbury and Hyde. But that’s as close to finding kin for Katherine as I can get, and I don’t want to conjecture any more without some evidence. So I was wondering if any of you Hyde folks may have researched this, or have made a connection with the Holmes family that might provide some solid clues. Thanks very much, and again the site is excellent. I’m a descendant of Obadiah and Katherine by the way, and I have a GEDMATCH DNA Kit M613314, as well as a 23andMe account. Thanks! Marty Drake

  • Hi!
    I am a Hyde with roots to Winston county Alabama.(Jesse Daniel Hyde came to Alabama in the mid 1800s) I stumbled on this website because of “Micajah Hyde” I believe he may have been a common ancestor. Do you know of anyone researching the Hyde line in north Alabama?
    Thank you for any information!

    • Jesse Daniel Hyde was my ancestor. I would like to get in touch with Amy Hoaglund , post 7/13/2015, and share information. Thanks!

    • james daniel hyde was my great great great grand father my great grandfather was horas daniel hyde died 1982 his parrents were joe and xneobia hyde and that is all i know of my line

      • Jonathan, we share our Hyde line. I believe your great grandfather was the son of Thomas Alfred Hyde and Zenobia Barnett. Thomas Alfred was nicknamed “Jim”. Does that sound right?

        • My Name is Robert Brandon Hyde my son is Thomas Brandon Hyde. My fathers name is samuel David Hyde sr. His father is Horace Daniel hyde and his father is Thomas a hyde i named my son after him and his wife’s name was zenobia barnett hyde. I live in Bear Creek.

          • Brandon we are from the same Hyde line. My great grandfather was William Jackson Hyde, married Harriet Elizabeth Barnett. Their daughter Sarah (Sadie) Hyde was my grandmother. Her brother was Thomas Alfred Hyde, they called him “Jim”. He was married to Zenobia Barnett. I would be glad to share information on our Hydes.

            Diane Parvin

  • My wife, Janice, is a descendant of James Eber Hyde son of Gaylord G. Hyde. Gaylord died in Delaware County Ohio in 1864 (JE born in 1851). Gaylord and wife Amelia Ann Beers were in Sullivan County, NY in the 1860 Census living with Amelia’s parents (Oren Beers). I believe that Gaylord (born in Herkimer County,NY in 1821) was the late son of Eber Hyde who died in 1850 in Herkimer County. Looking for any help available. Thanks.

  • Lyle, Gaylord Gordon Hyde was the son of Ebenezer “Eber” Hyde, b Connecticut 13 May 1772, married Anne/Anna Edgerton 6 Nov 1793 in CT. Eber’s parents were Joseph Hyde b 1736 and Abigail Abell b 1746. He is mentioned in some Edgerton correspondence currently online http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~edgerton/AlfredPeck&AlonzoJaycorrespondence.htm (do a search near bottom of page for “Eber”). It is likely that he is a descendant of William Hyde of Norwich (see our writeup under “Hyde Family Lines”). The Walworth book should be able to confirm one way or another.

  • Ann, Thank you so much for your reply. I was not aware of the Edgerton correspondence. The nagging question I have had about that line is the fact that Gaylord would have been the 12th. child of Anne Edgerton and the fact that I have his bd July 24 and her death date July 25, all 1821. Means he would have had to have a wet nurse to survive. The naming sequence of Gaylords children certainly points to Eber although there is also a James Eber Hyde in early Herkimer county census. AS always, what fun. Thanks again.

  • Here’s a link to Walworth’s book, https://books.google.com/books?id=rIKhN5aMelcC&pg=PA639&lpg=PA639&dq=gaylord+golden+hyde&source=bl&ots=HEoTBMWDmQ&sig=kBunSSnx6XN6tvVnsqLzea-Je6M&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CFAQ6AEwBWoVChMIt7-X9OW3xwIVzg6SCh3kjg9t#v=onepage&q=gaylord%20golden%20hyde&f=false where it mentions her death as 10 Feb 1842. Eber and Anna (either buried or mistranscribed as “Amy”) and some of their family members are in the Jordanville Cemetery in Herkimer County. It’s helpful to look at two different marker transcriptions, one here http://www.newhorizonsgenealogicalservices.com/cem-ny-herkimer-warren-jordanville.htm and one here http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gsr&GSiman=1&GScid=66646&GSfn=&GSln=hyde since both contribute additional information.

  • I am working on my husband’s family and am looking for a James Hyde who was born in Mellor, Derbyshire, England and Married there to Hannah Harrop. I believe he came to the USA sometime before/or about 1720. I am looking for his date of death and location.
    Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciate.

  • Juanita,

    James Hyde married Hannah Harrop on 24 Feb 1716 in Prestbury, Cheshire, appearing on the Bishop’s transcripts which were copied by Phillimore and Co. He did not come to the USA, and his son Thomas was not Thomas Hyde the tanner and shoemaker of Annapolis, MD (which we have extensive data on, will put it online at some point). James and Hannah did not leave Prestbury. Hannah died there in 1746 and there were a few too many men named James Hyde buried in Prestwich between 1740-1760 for me to give a precise death date for him without more research. James Hyde of Prestbury is often conflated with the James Hyde of Mellor d 1744, who married Hannah Oakes 6 Oct 1719 in Stockport, Cheshire. They are two separate, unrelated couples.

    • Ann, I’m looking for information on William Hyde who was the son of the Annapolis shoe maker Thomas Hyde. William Hyde was a colonel in the Revolutionary War. The Maryland Gazette includes a notice dated January 1787 of William’s death. Any information you can provide would be of great interest and very much appreciated!!

      • Michael – Historian and archivist Robert Barnes discusses the English origins of this family in British Roots of Maryland Families Vol 1, pg 259. I have more information to add, but that’s for a future writeup on this family. For now I’ll simply answer your question. William Hyde was baptized in St Anne’s Parish, Anne Arundel County, MD on 4 May 1750, eldest son of Thomas Hyde and Elizabeth Bishop. William’s father ran a tannery and shoemaking business and kept an ordinary (tavern providing food, alcohol and lodging). Thomas Hyde owned several properties in downtown Annapolis, a few of which are still standing https://mht.maryland.gov/secure/medusa/PDF/AnneArundel/AA-473.pdf  (if you have trouble viewing this link, google “AA-473 the Gloucester Building”.)  Annapolis was a hotbed of activity during the Revolutionary War and it was there, on January 14th, 1784, in the Old Senate Chamber – a few hundred yards from Hyde’s offices – that the Treaty of Paris was ratified. This confirmed the terms of peace with Great Britain and officially granted international recognition of American independence. Annapolis served as the first peacetime capital of the new United States. William Hyde’s name appears often in records in the Maryland State Archives. The listings generally involve receipts for items supplied to the Continental forces by his family’s businesses – leather goods, clothing, saltpeter, lead, and so forth. Thomas’s warehouses were used as both storehouse and commissary by the Continental Army. In archival records, William is initially addressed as Captain, then as “Colonel William Hyde” in receipts as early as 23 July 1776. Technically, at this time, he was still a Lieutenant Colonel, and I can find no indication that he exceeded that rank. He suffered from health issues, taking a medical leave of absence from his regiment in Sept 1776 to recover in Philadelphia, with an unspecified date of return. By 1780, he was Assistant Clerk to the Maryland Governor and Council. By 1784, he was noted in records as William Hyde, Esquire, one of the Justices for Anne Arundel County https://msa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/speccol/sc2900/sc2908/000001/000071/html/am71–1.html  I see him referred to as both a Justice of the Peace as well as a Judge of the Orphan’s Court for Anne Arundel County. He died unmarried in 1786. He did not leave a will. The Maryland Gazette on 15 Feb 1787 reprinted a notice dated Jan 1, 1787: “All persons indebted to the estate of Colonel William Hyde, late of this city, deceased, are required to make immediate payments; as there are balances remaining in the hands of several of the late sheriffs.  In order that it may be more convenient to those on the eastern shore, the subscriber will authorize some person to receive the sums due from them at the general court in April next, when it is hoped they will make payment; those on this side of the bay are requested to make payment to the subscriber; those who have claims against the said estate are desired to bring them in, legally proved, to William Goldsmith, administrator of William Hyde. N.B. Colonel Hyde in his lifetime lent several books and other things which have not been returned, and as some of the books were borrowed by Colonel Hyde, I should be much obliged to those who have them to return them to me. W. G.”  Goldsmith was a friend of the Hyde family as well as the Sheriff of Anne Arundel County. William’s property and possessions reverted to his father, Thomas. The will of Thomas Hyde was probated in Anne Arundel County in 1795 (Anne Arundel County MD JG 1 Folio 487 book 36).
        In James McSherry’s History of Maryland from its First Settlement in 1634 to the Year 1848, page 381 shows that William Hyde served as Lt Col in the Second Battalion of Maryland’s Flying Camp, under Col Josias Carvil Hall. John Eager Howard was one of the captains under William Hyde’s command. The Flying Camps were created to function somewhat like the Reserves or Home Guard, defending home territory from incursion while battles occurred elsewhere. The term “flying camp” was used because they did not carry heavy equipment thus could be rapidly deployed wherever additional troops were needed. The Flying Camp units were soon absorbed into a general reorganization of Continental forces, but not before several early, pivotal battles of the war –  those of Long Island, Trenton and Princeton. I was not able to confirm whether William was at the Battle of Long Island, Aug 27-29, 1776. The Flying Camp units were called to make their way to NY on August 20th. The timing of his leave of absence suggests that he may have been present for some part of this engagement.   

        • Ann, thank you so much! This is very helpful! Can you point me to the source for the following from your reply above. “He suffered from health issues, taking a medical leave of absence from his regiment in Sept 1776 to recover in Philadelphia, with an unspecified date of return.“
          Is it in that special collection reference? I tried to access it but it doesn’t appear to be digitized. Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

        • Also, Lt. Colonel William Hyde’s battalion likely was not at the Battle of Long Island

          Maryland Historical Magazine Volume XLIII
          Page 15
          “It seems probable that the Baltimore and Harford County Flying Camp under Col. Josias Carvil Hall had not been sent to New York as yet, but were still at Red Bank with General Mercer or at Fort Lee, New Jersey, enroute to New York.”

  • Hi there, I wondered if you could help me? Sir John Hyde DOB 1493 married Elizabeth Booth BotelerDOB 1501. They are my 15th great grandparents. His parents were, Sir Robert Hyde and Margaret Holland ( Hyde) Do you have any information on them please? I am having problems working out who the mother of Sir John’s Son Stephen Hyde is? He was born 1500, not sure if this date is correct? It cannot possible be Elizabeth Booth Boteler 1501.. so she must have been a step mother ?

    Many thanks

    • Sarah,
      Robert Hyde and his first wife, Margaret Holland had three children, Agnes, who married John Arderne in 1522; Hamnet, who married Margaret, daughter of Lawrence Warren of Poynton; and John, who did not marry or have children and appears to have died young. Robert outlived both of his sons and Inquisitions Post Mortem places his death in the 22nd year of the reign of Henry VIII, so around 1531.
      There was an uncle of Robert’s who married a Booth/Bothe, but he died without issue.
      Ormerod’s “History of the County Palatine and City of Chester…” has Robert and Margaret on page 395 https://archive.org/stream/historyofcountyp03orme#page/394/mode/2up and Middleton’s “Annals of Hyde and District…” mentions them on page 185. They are also mentioned in Burke’s Commoners vol 2. I hope this clears up some of the confusion. There’s another landowning Robert Hyde with similar dates, who he is sometimes mistaken for – I still have problems sorting the two of them out.

  • I am trying to get information on my husbands family (HYDES) of the Cayman Islands. I have encountered a record of a William J B Hydes married to Rachel Ann Rivers in North Carolina that moved to the Cayman Islands and had 3-5 children: Joseph William Perry Hyde (1830), Jane Mary Jackson (1836), Rachel Dinora (1846), Ella Annie L (1867) and John Jarret Bodden.

    Any information on this family both prior to 1830 and after moving to the Cayman Islands would be awesome!

    We believe the “S” was added to the name after arriving here in Cayman.

    • Suzanne, I agree that the “S” was most likely added after moving, possibly they became accustomed to incorporating the possessive case into the surname because they owned or lived near a particular landmark (ex. Hyde’s mill, Hyde’s Mercantile) or simply to distinguish themselves from another Hyde family living nearby. Your branch of Hydes lived at West Bay, Grande Cayman and also at Roatan, Islas de la Bahia, Honduras. Hyde without the S was a noted name in the Caymans prior to 1750, so I would be interested in the source that has this family moving from NC after about 1830 because it would help to paint a larger picture of missionary affiliation or possible connections between Hydes in the US and Britain.
      What I would recommend doing is first getting grounded in the history with a few books and websites:
      Neville Williams “History of the Cayman Islands” mentions crown grants from Spanish Town. I can only see a small portion of this online. There have been Hyde/s in Jamaica and parts of the Caribbean since at least 1650, although we shouldn’t assume any direct relationship exists between those early Hydes and later settlers.
      Note that the Cayman Islands were governed as part of the British Colony of Jamaica until 1962, and anyone researching genealogy in the Caribbean might want to review Patricia Jackson’s excellent site, Jamaican Family Search: http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com
      I’m not able to view the entire contents of George S. S. Hirst’s book online, but I can see that he has some particularly annoying and entirely wrong ideas about the origins of the Hyde surname in his “Notes on the History of the Cayman Islands”. However, if one discounts the misguided origin story, there might actually be some useful information based in fact on at least one of the pages.
      Lastly, “Founded Upon the Seas: A History of the Cayman Islands and Their People” by Michael Craton, which mentions several Hydes (with an S) by name.
      As of 4/29/2016, there are not yet any Hydes queries here: http://www.candoo.com/genresources/
      Research at the local level is generally the most effective and in this case, highly recommended.

    • In response to Suzanne Muise query on 4/282016….. IJoseph William Perry Hyde is my great grandfather, born in West Bay, Grand Cayman. My grandfather is David Noah Hyde of Roatan, Honduras. My grandfather said that his father drowned at sea when he was a lad of 9 years old. David Noah Hyde had many brothers and sisters and all had Biblical names. ( I am on vacation and don’t have access to my records to list them but Rachel Dinora and Levi/Levy are David Noah siblings). Have all information on my grandfather and willing to share. corine

      • David Noah Hyde is my grandfather….first married to Katie Rivers, who died in childbirth. Second marriage to Effie Hyde born Vaughn in French Harbor Roatan, Honduras 1900.

        • Corine. Good day, how are you?

          I’d be interested in what info you have for Joseph William Perry Hyde, I’m a descendant of the Hydes of West Bay. If you’d like to email me, I’m at kmon@mail.com

          Thanks Clinton

  • My paternal grandmother was Ila Hyde, a descendant of Samuel Hyde who settled in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana in the late 1700’s. Most of the information I have seen indicat3s he traveled to Louisiana from North Carolina, where his family had lived for several generations. I believe he is directly descended from William Hyde of Connecticut. Interestingly, Samuel Hyde’s mother was a Robertson who appears to have been related to the Robertson who is regarded as the founder of Nashville Tennessee and whose cousin was the Sevier who is considered the founder of the state of Tennessee. The family lore on the Samuel who came from North Carolina is that he came here to Louisiana, which was then owned by Spain, because he had supported the British during the Revolutionary War. Can anyone assist with information regarding the accuracy of any of this?

    • Ben, Samuel Hyde of Tangipahoa appears to have been a traveling Methodist preacher (they were later referred to as “circuit riders”) who moved between GA and LA. The earliest record that I can find for him is 1808, in St Tammany Parish, which later became Tangipahoa. Samuel’s father-in-law, Matthew Robertson, is recorded there in 1804. Neither man was of an age to have fought in the Revolution, and I think we know where both Matthew’s and Samuel’s parents were during that time. Samuel’s father was Jesse Hide/Hyde *but* there were two Jesses (Jessi?), one whose origins were in CT and came down through the Wyoming Valley of PA, with its sprawling battles – both real and imagined – involving Tories, Indians, the British and a few Hydes who needed a fast horse out of town. This line appears to have more than one source coming in to the US and corresponds to our M512’s in the Hyde DNA Project. It’s possible that William Hyde of CT is one of the progenitors, but we don’t yet have a direct male Hyde descendant of William with whom to compare DNA. Several members of this line moved through Greenville and Pickens, SC and a few settled in Hall County, GA.
      Before I go much further, I just want to mention that neither the Benjamin Hyde who lived in Ouachita, LA (he corresponds our M-269 Group A’s in the DNA project) nor his wife Milly Robertson (who had family in AR) are related to the Hydes of Tangipahoa. Finally, the Hydes of Grant and Winn Parish, LA also appear to be a separate group.
      Was Mary Robertson related to the Sevier family and the James Robertson who is considered one of the founders of Nashville? No, she was not. But because of some commendable work on the Robertson Genealogy Exchange – http://www.robertson-ancestry.com – she might be related to James “Horseshoe” Robertson. As long as we’re on the subject of Nashville, several of the Hydes who were early settlers there were the children of Henry Hyde and Rebecca Warren, and that’s who I was looking at first, as potential relatives of Jesse. They go back to Richard Hyde who was a headright of Edward Minter in the 1630’s.
      As I look over my information on Samuel…this is not quite as cut-and-dried as I thought. We’ll put up a page on Jesse and try to sort this out – we know the family of the Jesse whose rejected pension application appears in Revolutionary records, what I’m no longer sure of is whether he is Samuel’s father.

  • Ben, we have quite a lot of information on this family. The answer is going to be long, and there are a few queries ahead of you, plus I need to consult with Tom and Dan. The funny thing is, there is a possibility that at least one of the related lines does come from CT. The earliest record for Samuels’s being in Washington Parish is 1808, but the Spanish held the area until around 1800, then Jefferson bought it from the French around 1803. I’ll check on the TN connections you mention.

  • I left this on the family lines page, but I thought I’d better leave it here too.
    I started doing the research for my father just a few months ago and we’ve reached a dead end on Squire Hyde, born approximately 1767, supposedly in Killingly Conneticut, although we can find no official records supporting that. Squire married Hannah Montgomery in 1789 in Voluntown CN and he died in Plainfield CN in 1847. They had two daughters, Betsey Ida and Louisa Ann, and six sons, Squire S, Isaac, Elisha, Ira, Robert Montgomery, and William H.
    Robert Montgomery Hyde was born in Sterling CN in 1808, became a (lay?) minister in the Methodist Episcopal church, went to Lake County, Indiana where in 1840 he married Olive Lucille Flint. RM died in 1884 in Chicago. They had two daughters, Adelia Jane and Anne E and three sons, William Charles, called Carvasso in the family, EdgarNiles, and Daniel Frederick.
    Edgar Niles Hyde was born in 1852 in Porter, Indiana. In 1877 in Chicago hemarried Emma Louise Oakleaf. They had one daughter, Florence Jeanette, and three sons that survived to adulthood, Charles Edward, called Ed, Clarence Minor, whose birth record says Laurence Wilbur, and Fredrick Daniel. Edgar died in1936 in a Chicago hospital from complications of diabetes.
    Fredrick Daniel Hyde was born in Chesterton, Indiana in 1895. He married Lillian Johanna Carolina Silk in 1919 in Chicago. Fred died in 1982. They are survived by their daughter Gloria Lorraine and son Fredric Daniel.
    Fredric Daniel Hyde JR. was born in 1926 and just celebrated his 90th birthday. He married Patricia Harriet Hood in 1952. Their surviving children are Leslie Ann, Robert Montgomery, and Ellen Sue. They also have four granddaughters and one Hyde grandson, three great-granddaughters, and three great-grandsons, two of whom are Hydes.
    Dad and I would really like to find out more about Squire Hyde. We originally thought this might just be an honorific, but it is how he is listed in the various church records we’ve come across.
    I have just recently taken the ancestry dna test and am awaiting the results, which I’ll be happy to share and maybe Dad will want to take the Ydna test.
    Thank you and again, I’m glad to meet more “cousins.”
    Ellen Hyde Horning

  • Ellen, the brand new writeup on Squire Hyde can be found in our Hyde Family Lines section. Finding Squire’s parents should now be fairly straightforward and would involve a researcher obtaining tax, land and probate records plus one or two specific books (listed) on microfiche at an LDS research center or at a CT library/history center. Your Ancestry results will provide you with deeper insight into your genetic heritage, but to confirm the particular ancestral line to which Squire belongs, your father (or any male Hyde in your family) might consider taking a Y-DNA test. My guess is that you have quite a few cousins going back several hundred years:-)

  • What I know of my Hide/Hyde ancestors –

    Catherine Hide/Hyde born circa 1812). Married widower, Nicholas J Loughlin circa 1811 in St George Church, Bloomsbury, Borough of Camden, London, England on 30 Mar 1834 (per original church record). Catherine made her X mark. Only known child (my great grandfather), John Joseph born in London circa 1834-1835. Two possible dates Nov 1834 (1900 Census) and Aug 1835 (his obit).
    Family found (1841 census)living at 48 Chamber St, Borough of Tower Hamlet, St Mary Whitechapel Parish, London, England. Nicholas a tailor.

    Around 1844 immigrated first to NYC where he is listed in Doggett’s 1850 city directory. Family in 1850 census of July 26 living in Village of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA.

    By 1842 they are living in Dubuque,Dubuque county, Iowa (source: local newspaper advertisement he purchased to gain business as a tailor)

    They resided in Andrew, Perry Township, Jackson county, Iowa (sources: 1860, 1870 censuses). They probably moved to Jackson county to be closer to Catherine’s brother, William Hyde. Son John with them in 1860(single). He lived in Dubuque for a few years but was living with his wife and children with his parents in 1870. John, wife Elizabeth Treanor Loughlin, were living back in Dubuque by 1877. Death of Nicholas and Catherine unknown put probably between 1870-1877. Graves not found.

    Catherine’s brother, William Hide/Hyde born circa 1809 married Margaret Walsh born 1810-1815. Marriage place & date unknown.
    He purchased property in Butler township, Garryowen, Jackson county, Iowa on January 20, 1846.
    William died 26 Oct 1884 and is buried at Patrick Church cemetery, Butler, N Garryowen, Jackson, Iowa, USA. Says born County Cork on tombstone. (FYI, one of dau Ellen’s census’ say he was born in Ireland, but English; one says born in England)
    FYI, on 1880 census, reports he could neither read nor write.

    1. Unknown child who died by 1854.

    2.Ellen born circa Sep 1845 died in Gayland, Yankton, SD in 1918
    She is in 1850, 1860, 1870 censuses w/parents. After almost 20 years of searching found her last week living in Yankton, South Dakota (1880) with husband Cornelius Hanifan. Children: Mary Margaret, William Francis, Loretta C, Cornelius Robert.
    (note: her children’s names – William (her father), Margaret (her mother), Robert (her brother)

    3. Robert born circa Apr 1847 died 21 May 1915 in Garryowen, Jackson, Iowa. Buried St Aloysius Cemetery, Garryowen.
    Married Hannah ‘Honora’ Duggan. No children. Honora died in 1937. Buried Saint Aloysius Cemetery probably w/husband but possibly no one left to add her name to the tombstone.

    4.Catherine born circa Mar 1850. She stayed on the farm up through 1880. I have not found out what happened to her.

    Many of the Irish, but certainly not all, who settled in Jackson county, Iowa were from County Cork around Fermoy.
    Don’t I just wish Castle Hyde belonged to my ancestors! However, based on Catherine’s wedding record where she marked an X for her name and the 1880 census for brother William who states he could neither read nor write, probably not likely.
    Is puzzling how Catherine ended up in London at age 22 or so, presumably on her own, to meet and marry Nicholas Loughlin.
    And not to have married in the Catholic church. Eloped?
    FYI, both St Aloysius and St Patrick’s cemeteries are Catholic.

    Ellen Vogel

  • I’m looking for information on John Hansford Hyde, b. 1775 in Virginia. He shows up in Montgomery Co, TN in 1796. He owned property in Montgomery Co, TN and Dickson Co, TN. Later moved to Jackson, Madison Co, TN abt. 1823 and then to Nacogdoches Co, TX in 1836. He married Mary “Polly” Strother Gray on 13 Aug 1808 in Montgomery Co, TN.

    • Aaron, apologies for taking so long to reply, both in email and on this page. I try to answer the queries in order and every so often I get one that completely stops me in my tracks. There’s only one Hyde line that married into the Hansfords, and there’s a lot of mythology built up around it. This is the line of Robert Hyde, lawyer of Fellgate’s Creek, York County, VA and his wife Jane Underhill. The primary sources of information about them can be found in early editions of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register as well as the College of William and Mary Quarterly Historical Magazine. Robert had one surviving son, Samuel Hyde of Bruton Parish, who married three times as outlined in the William and Mary periodical. His only known son, John, married Lucy Hansford. We have Samuel’s will, and we know he died long before your John Hansford Hyde was born, so as far as we know, the pool of potential fathers is limited to Samuel’s son John or possibly an older, unknown child of John’s. We know that John mentioned his younger children in the will, but presumably not the older one/s. We know his son Charles Hyde of Greenbrier VA/WV, who married Martha McCue, had a son named John Hansford Hyde. We know that Samuel Hyde of Greene County PA, who married Mary Rebecca Seaton, had a son John Hansford Hyde. The thing about Samuel of PA is that there isn’t anything to ties him specifically to the York County Hydes. I’ve done quite a bit of research on Robert of York line and have been in the process of organizing my notes on Hydes in the Tidewater region of MD and VA, as a few of them actually did have the connections that the Saunders family asserted. If you’re willing to help organize and maintain, I’m willing to pass along. Let me know.

      • Ann, I replied to your email. Yes, I am able to assist with organizing and maintaining records.

        Just noticed something interesting about this John Hansford Hyde. Looking at the census records on three of his sons from 1880 on, they show him being born in Pennsylvania. It was the 1850 Census on John Hansford Hyde that stated Virginia was place of birth.

        As with the Hansford line that connects, this John Hansford Hyde continued the name by also naming one of his sons John Hansford Hyde.

        Question about the DNA project. Has there been any Hyde on this line submit DNA?

        • No DNA on this line yet. This John H. Hyde was the son of Samuel Hyde of Greene County, PA. Both were most likely born in VA. There is no definitive link back to the John Hyde who married Lucy Hansford at present, although the Rockefeller Library in Williamsburg has quite a lot of information on Robert Hyde of York County line.

  • My great great aunt and my great grandfather were pictured on the front page of your 2015 newsletter. I was wondering if part of that family tree was archived, or if Blanche had given any information? (Charles was my grandfather)

    • Charles Albert, who went to Iowa? Wonderful! You and I are cousins. The early family info is written up in our Family Lines section under Jonathan Hyde of New Windsor. We descendant from Isaac’s son, Jesse. I’m happy to fill in more recent information, my email is in our contacts section. Happy Holidays!

      • My brother (Charles Benjamin Hyde) and my son (Christopher Andrew Frederick Hyde) have taken DNA tests through 23andme. We are waiting for results now.

        • Charles Albert Hyde in Iowa, yes. My grandfather was Charles Remington. My dad is Charles Robert. My brother, Charles Benjamin, and his son, Charles Marshal. Thats a whole lot of Charles Hydes all in one county!

  • I don’t have much. Henry Adams, b. 1796-7 in Connecticut (I know, that narrows it down!) was the son of William Adams and Rebecca Hyde. She seems to have died before 1810 when Henry went with his father to Monroe County, New York. Henry claimed to be a second cousin of POTUS John Adams. I have not been able to find William Adams or Rebecca Hyde Adams anywhere so if this sounds the least bit familiar to anyone, I would very much appreciate hearing of it. Thanks!

    • Sherrie, this requires a level of research that I’m not able to do at the present time, but I have forwarded you some information that may be helpful. I would look at historical societies in NY before jumping to Canturbury or Pomfret. John and JQ have well documented trees, so if your CT people had roots in MA, it’s possible.

  • Hello,
    I am trying to find information on a Benjamin Hyde buried in Cypress Hills
    Cemetery NYC with his wife Mary Parremore (Parrymore). She died in Greenpoint NY
    June 13, 1876 and he died Jan 7, 1856. My ggrandfather Robert G Hyde is buried in
    the plot but do not know the connection!

  • Thank you very much! So Mary Parremore was not Benjamin Hyde’s
    wife. Cannot for the life of me connect a Parremore to a Hyde!
    I have always believed Benjamin to be Roberts brother based on dates
    but I could not find any documented relationship until now!! Next is hoping to
    connect them both with parents/family. What a brick wall you have helped me
    break thru!!

  • Ann,
    The document you provided has opened up my Hyde (and was facinating!) line
    but I am still stalled with the leap to parents and origin of our line. In the census and few
    death certs I have, Robert, Benjamin and Elizabeth (siblings) have listed parent
    inconsistantly as being born in the US, England and Scotland! We have a middle
    name passed down thru several generations, Gree, and have thought it might be
    a maiden name. Also Robert named his children Alonzo and Amelia and those names
    are no where else in the tree. They prodomintly lived in Brooklyn, but sister Elizabeth
    lived in West Farms, Westchester NY. In census there I have found other Hyde’s but do
    not know of any connection. I would appreciate any insight on how to research connections.
    Trish Rohn

  • Ann,
    I have been able to confirm Benjamin’s “other” family because of that court
    document, thank you again. As I stated earlier I am hoping to discover Robert,
    Benjamin and Elizabeth’s lineage. I have exhausted all routes I am aware of. I have
    census from1850 on up where you can see family relationships (and many earlier ones
    in a hold file but no way to see the names on those census). They were methodist so I
    some birth and wedding confirmations. I am working on my 3rd ggrandfather ,Robert, having
    a possible prior marriage before Hannah Snow based on his age having his 2 children and
    how much older he is than Hannah. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Trish

  • Hi,

    This is definitely a long shot, but I figured I would try.
    I’m a university student trying to track down a Mr Hyde who was living in China in 1768.
    I know that he was in communication with the entomologist Dru Drury and collected insect specimens for him.
    I don’t know any more details about him, he was probably in Canton, as most of the rest of the country was closed, but I’m not sure.
    Does anyone know of any Hydes in China in this period?

    Thank you!

  • I am interested in learning more about Hannah Hyde, b. 19 Nov 1776 and married to Jesse Storrs 18 Feb 1800. Can you provide any additional info?

    Thank you so much.

    Ginny Justice

  • According to a York, Virginia, 24.III.1689 Court Order, William Wise sued James Hyde for absconding with Wise’s Indentured Servant, Ann Biby, for 60-days, and sought 1,800-lbs of tobacco in damages. Ann subsequently gave birth to Thomas Biby, on 17.XI.1689. From what I have gathered, James Hyde was married to Mary (?), by whom he had daughters Dianah 20.X.1690, and Ann, 03.X.1693. Are you able to identify this James Hyde or know of a Hyde gedcome which will enable us to determine if James was the father of Thomas Biby?
    Thank you for your consideration! Aloha! Rico

    • Aloha, Rico! What I have is:
      York County, VA – Deeds, Orders, Wills, Etc. Book 8, 1687-1691, page 410 – At a Court held 24 March 1689/90. Where as William Wise suing James Hyde to the Court in an action of case and declared in his petition that the defendant did contrary to his will or consent entertain and harbor one of his covenanted servants Ann COBY for about sixty days and prayed damages against ye defendant for 1800 pounds tobacco, to which the plaintiff pleaded not guilty, whereof a jury being impounded and ____ John Rogers, John Lawson, Robert Leightonhouse, John Sheldon, Wilton Robony, Edward Cowley, John Wellings, Samuel Snignall, John Weyman, John Nixon, Charley Hanford, Garrett Connyers, find for ye defendant 10 pounds of tobacco damages which find upon ye motion of ye defendant is allowed of and ordered to be provided and a non suite is granted ye defendant against ye plaintiff and ye plaintiff ordered to pay damages according to Law unto ye defendant with cost of suit.
      Technically, 24 March 1689/90 translates to 1690 under the old calendar as they did not recognize Jan 1st as the start of the new year. I don’t have access to the original document to determine if “Ann Coby” and “Ann Biby” are one and the same, but it’s unlikely for several reasons. In the colonial records of Charles Parish, York County, Thomas Byby is given as the son of Ann Byby, b. Nov. 17,1689, no father named. So Thomas would have been several months old at the time of Wise’s suit, which was settled in favor of Hyde. Further, the absence of the father’s name in the parish records in and of itself is not an indication that this was an out of wedlock birth. Several scenarios are possible. I recommend looking further into the York County, VA records index for Biby/Byby/Bybee for the approximate time period 1680-1695. These volumes are not yet available online, as far as I know.

      • Thank you for your time and consideration but, as I will never get to Virignia, do you have ANY information on James Hyde which might help determine if he was the father of Thomas Byby?
        Aloha! Rico

        • Rico, James Hyde and his wife were sheltering indentured servant Ann Coby, and Ann Byby (var spellings) was a different person. Judging from the way the birth record for Thomas Byby is structured, it looks like Ann Byby was a married member of the church whose husband was deceased prior to her giving birth to Thomas. So there’s no connection between Ann Byby and James Hyde, and as far as I can see, and there’s nothing to suggest that this was an out-of-wedlock birth for Ann. I think this was a bad transcription leading to some confusion, but if you have more information I will be happy to take a look at it.

  • My husband’s 13th great grandfather was Simon Hyde born 1466 at Navestock, Brentwood, Essex, England. He is listed as being alive in 1517. I do not know his spouse’s name. He had a daughter Alicia 1492-1560 born at Westfield, Harlow, Essex, England and death at High Ongar, Epping Forest, Essex, England. She married Henry Lyman 1415-1417. They had a son John Lyman. Please let me know if you have any other information or correct any information I might have wrong.

    • Cathy, to try to answer your question I have to pull in a lot of reference materials, which doesn’t lend itself easily to the “comment” format. I have to finish things up for two other individuals, hopefully tomorrow, and then I’m finally going to post a blog entry, and this is one of the questions I’ll try to answer.

  • What happened to the Hyde Family Newsletter that was supposed to be published twice a year?. It seems to be running a tad behind. LOL.

    • Craig, the delay has to do with the health of family members, and I’m hesitant to put this type of information on the web without careful thought, primarily because of privacy concerns. Until very recently, I did not have time to think through a response or post a blog update. I am able to say that my father passed away this past Monday. Right now there are many things that still need to be arranged. More when I can.

      • I/we want to extend you our deepest condolences. Are you ok? You are on my mind and though I am traveling with work (in my sixties), your work with our family is something great and I appreciate you in all you do. I am so sorry you have had a go of it.

        Having walked my father through his last four years that ended in 2016 and my mother in 2012, I can surely relate. As they lived into their 90s, they had a lot going on. Dad moved in with me when mom passed and, well, it was a time and he was great even when he wasn’t.

        (Please remind me if you are also descended from Benjamin Hyde and Elizabeth Leatherwood. If so, through Susannah?)

    • This was Betsey Walker’s brother who was found with her (noted as possibly lost post a massacre on their town/village) and adopted by Felix Walker (agent), she later married William Walker.

  • There is a photo of a cemetery at the top of this page. Is it by any chance a photo of where Humprhey Hide is buried? I am in Fairfield Connecticut for the day and want to see as many sites as possible while I am here. Please e-mail me directly if you have an answer about where Humphrey Hide is buried. Thanks so much
    Marsha Moses mosesm@earthlink.net

    PS I descend from Humphrey Hide through his daughter Sarah who married Peter Coley. Peter and Sarah Hide Coley are the parents of Samuel Coley who is left land in Humprhey Hide’s will.

  • The Old Burying Ground is located at 430 Beach Rd, Fairfield, CT 06824. But I don’t think there’s a stone for him, and I won’t be able to confirm until much later tonight. You should definitely visit the Fairfield Museum and History Center at 370 Beach Rd. You can take a look at his sword (not technically the sword from his will but a later one that belonged to the family. It dates from the approximate time that son-in-law Jessup was attempting to prove that Humphrey had been a Cavalier). But the Puritan Bible, “breeches” edition, definitely belonged to him. Have a wonderful time!

  • My mother tried following her Hyde roots years ago but always was blocked with going beyond her grandfather, Charles Marion Hyde. So I am trying to break that block this time around. We know that Charles was born in South Carolina in 1819; he married Charlotte Sabrina Day in Randolph County Georgia in 1842, and that he is buried in Conecuh County Alabama. I even have his photograph with his son’s family – Joseph Austin Hyde (my grandfather. I can find Charles living in Randolph County near his brother Ezekiel and maybe a brother John. This John is shown living with Nancy (aged 70) in the 1850 Randolph County census. I have found that many people believe Charles’ father was Isaiah/Isah Hide who married Hester Ann and later died in Paragould Arkansas, but I have not found any sources to prove that link. And I am wondering about this Nancy. If Nancy is his mother, then is there someone else who is the father, or was Nancy the first wife? I have seen where some refer to Charles as a step son. Any help would be appreciated!

  • I joined this site site a long time ago….and have done very little research on this line since then. I am curious if anyone has participated in DNA testing who connect to the Hide family found in Connecticut in the 1600s. I have tested at all five of the big companies: FTDNA, Ancestry, MyHeritage, Living DNA, and 23 and Me. I have also uploaded results to gedmatch. I would love to see if I am a dna match to anyone doing research on this family! My results on all sites are some sort of combination of Marsha Ann Hawkins Moses. I could also share my gedmatch number. Feel free to contact me directly if you have interest in sharing information: mosesm@earthlink.net

    • Marsha, all the different DNA tests, including Ancestry’s are generally some proprietary version of autosomal DNA. This will allow you to find cousins (who take the same test with the same company) within about 5 generations back, approximately 100 – 150 years or so. What these can’t do is prove that you have a specific ancestor in common any further back than that.
      What can be confusing to people is that they will find a DNA cousin who has a family tree with a particular ancestor in it, and they assume that they, too, must be descended from that same branch. What I urge people to do is compare their immediate family trees, because the DNA that you have in common is almost always coming from a great or great-great grandparent – you have 8 and 16 of them, respectively. For example, my maiden name is Hyde and on 23andMe, I match with another Hyde who’s a descendant of Humphrey of Fairfield. BUT I’m not a descendant of Humphrey and we don’t match through the Hydes, instead, it turns out that we have the same, much more recent, great great grandmother, a Beatty (who has no Hydes in her tree).  
      Autosomal DNA is great at finding recent cousins, my own family tree is much larger because of finding cousins we didn’t know we had. Anything further back than about 5 generations is not a reliable match, that’s why we have literally thousands of distant cousins among the relatively small pool (less than 1% of the total population) of test participants.
      I should mention that there is one test from one company that will help link you to a particular group of Hydes, and because it uses male Y-DNA, it can ONLY be taken by men with the Hyde surname. The test is available from Family Tree DNA, and it forms the basis of our Hyde DNA study at https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/hyde/about/backgroundWhat What this will show you is your father’s father’s father’s father’s (and so forth) Y-DNA ancestry. One of the lines in our study appears to link back to some of the first Hydes who bore the surname in England.

  • John W. Hyde born 1818 Montgomery, AL (Son of ? Hyde and Charlotte Parker Hyde)

    “…Montgomery incorporated December 3, 1819, eleven days before the State of Alabama was admitted into the Union.”

    Since this is the case, I am supposing that John was either born in the Territory of Mississippi or the Territory of Alabama. Would appreciate help in navigating research into these “Territories.” ( I’m curious as to how John came to be listed as being born in Montgomery, before Montgomery formally existed.)

  • Richard Hyde IV (1717-1762) and Milly Hartwell Hyde (1720-1795)
    Does anyone know the child that Milly was “big with” at the time of Richard’s death? Considering all avenues in finding links to Stephen Hyde, Edgecombe County, NC, born about 1821. Theoretically, this child could be the father of Stephen’s father. Most have assumed Stephen’s father to be William A. Hyde of Autauga, AL 1790-1835) or William A. Hood (with marriage date of 4/18/1817 in Wake, making Charlotte 14 yrs. old at time of marriage).
    Regardless, this child born to Milly after Richard’s death in 1762 could possibly be the father of the father of Stephen Hyde). Seemingly, the timeline and location (Northampton, NC) fits. Also, this line of Hyde’s frequented the Halifax/Northampton/Edgecombe counties of NC, and later ventured not too far to Wilson/Martin/Nash counties.
    Confident that Charlotte Parker Hyde (1803-1885) is Stephen’s mother, but who the father is remains a mystery. Has anyone gone down this rabbit hole before?

    • Debra, the child that Milly was carrying did not survive. Keep in mind that there are four Stephen Hide/Hydes in NC, all from unrelated lines (well, one was father and son, so three). Tom “Doc” Hyde did some amazing work untangling all the NC Stephens with court, wills and land records. His information will be incorporated into family lines eventually and is available upon request. The Richard “the pirate” line was documented by a professional genealogist in Williamsburg, VA over a decade ago, and shared by the descendant of the Cotton family who commissioned it, Hikaru Kitabayashi. At some point I will do a writeup with additions. While the original work was solid, over the past decade people have run with it in all kinds of directions. The Richard descendant was Stephen Hyde, a slave owner and Tory sympathizer who married Susanna Colson Fanning and owned extensive land in Anson and Montgomery counties, NC, including along the Pee Dee river. Adair and Colbert’s stories of Richard Hyde being an Indian trader and pirate are documented. Technically, there were two pirates in this line, Richard working for Blackbeard and his son for Stede Bonnett. (Digression: in Gabaldon’s Outlander series, antagonists Stephen Bonnett and Arch Bug are very loosely based on people who interacted with this family.) It’s remotely possible that William A. Hide of Autagua might be part of this line, as Henry and Hartwell Hyde were living in Halifax county in 1790 although they removed elsewhere with their families. The Richard the pirate line is not connected to the Benjamin Hyde – Elizabeth Rebecca Leatherwood line (which I hope to piece together with Allison Hedge Coke as soon as Humphrey is finished). I’ve gone over the records and I don’t think that William A Hide/Hyde married Charlotte Parker in Wake County 18 April 1817. That was William Hood, they are a different family and that Charlotte is buried in TN. Charlotte Hide/Hyde is head of household in Edgecombe 1840 through 1870. Some Edgecombe records may be located in Halifax. What we know for sure is that Charlotte was born circa 1805 NC and died intestate in Deep Creek, Edgecombe County, 1885. NC court assigned executor GM Fountain. Her land adjoined that of Bythel Howell, Henry Parker, and Lewis Alsobrook. Petition that the land be sold to cover debts and remainder go to her grandchildren: John W. Hyde age 36 of Edgecombe, Mollie/Mallie E. Weaver age 37 of Martin County, Eugene H. Hyde age 34 of Edgecombe, David Hyde age 34 of Nash County, Stephen Hyde age 34 of Edgecombe County, William T Baker age 30 of Halifax County, George Q. Baker residence unknown, and Lewis Anderson age 8, adoptee, of Halifax County. There is mention of James H. Anderson, father of Lewis being appointed his legal guardian. Summons to appear goes out to those already named, in addition to Benjamin J Hyde and what appears to be Whit Anderson. John W Hyde relinquished his right as admin of his grandmother’s estate. Itemized expense list for John W Hyde as guardian of Charlotte. Cash to Henry Parker for meal, cash to Tom Hyde for attension (sic). In Edgecombe County Deed Book 18, pg 243, recorded 3 Jan 1825, John Parker purchased land from William Hyde of Antauga County, AL which had formerly been owned by his father, Jonas Parker. William held the land by right of his wife, Charlotte Hyde (daughter of Jonas Parker and sister of John). Edgecombe County Deed Book 21, page 256, recorded 9 Dec 1835, division of real estate of Jonas Parker, deceased, to heirs Martha Pierce, Charlotte Hyde and John Parker.

  • And I would add to Anne’s comment that the yDNA is on sale right this minute from FTDNA (which is the only company that does yDNA testing). If you are lucky enough to have a relative with surname Hyde who is a male, it would make a wonderful Christmas gift!

  • The book that you link to mentions a common myth involving most Hyde families in the US at the time, that of the great Hyde fortune, which Dan Hyde wrote about in our newsletter. Charlotte died Feb 5th, 1849, in her 68th year, which places her birth around 1780. According to The English Ancestors and American Descendants of John Peckham of Newport, RI 1630, they had 9 children (not in order) Robert B, Daniel J, William Henry, George Stillman, Charles D, Mary Stillman, Nancy, Amy, and Elizabeth. Rhode Island vital extracts for Washington County show John Hide/Hyde and Hannah Stewart (d of Joseph Steward and Sarah Jeffers/Jacques), both of Westerly, married by Stephen Richmond, Justice, June 9th, 1751. This may be the same John Hyde – or his son, John Jr – who appears in the 1790 census for Hopkinton, Washington County, RI, near James’s father and uncles, the Burdicks, Clarks, etc. 1790 census doesn’t tell us much, only that there were 6 males under 16, one over 16, and 4 females, one of whom was likely Charlotte. The Hannah Hyde who married John Satterlee may have been John’s daughter, granddaughter, or possibly his niece. I mention that because if John and Hannah began having children around 1751, thirty years is at the far edge of the fertility window. The 1800 census is alphabetized and there are no Hide/Hydes. Possible boundary or county changes – Charlestown, Hopkinton and Richmond were all originally within the limits of Westerly. Charlotte’s father is often given as a William Hyde, but I can’t substantiate. I’d recommend contacting the Westerly Historical Society, because I can’t reliably link this John Sr to any of the New England lines.

  • Thanks very much for the quick response to my inquiry. I have been in touch with the Westerly Historical Society in the past to research other lines, so will follow up with them and let you know if I uncover anything.

  • Hi Ann, I am circling back around because I can’t seem to find a Stillman connection to either Hyde or Stewart/Steward. It must be a relevant name for my branch if my 5th great grandparents gave Stillman as a middle name to two of their children (siblings to my 4th GGM Charlotte Hyde as you have outlined). Here is info on the Stewards you mentioned, I don’t see any Stillman connections. Do you know of any on the Hyde side? Any other thoughts about the Stillman middle names? https://books.google.com/books? Thanks very much Tid=ZxpWAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA216&lpg=PA216&dq=John+Steward+Sarah+Jacques+Jeffers+genealogy&source=bl&ots=MwiVzuj48F&sig=ACfU3U0wrnFP3yJasLUX5keNGbkinWmnhQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi42dHfzYnvAhWBr54KHfnuD_wQ6AEwAnoECBEQAw#v=onepage&q=Stillman&f=false

    • Kathleen, I did a search for Stillman in the above referenced book, The English Ancestors and American Descendants of John Peckham of Newport, RI 1630, and there are a number of references to the Peckhams and Clarks marrying into the Stillman family. So they were all allied families in the Westerly area in the early-to-mid 19th century. The surname Stillman is connected to Charlotte’s husband and won’t bring us any closer to discovering her parents. We’d need to look at land, tax and church records in the vicinity of Westerly from the approximate time of her 1780 birth to her marriage around 1799. There are general assertions that a William Hyde married Mary Pattee (maiden name Stewart) and they are Charlotte’s parents, however, there is no such couple. There was a Mary Hyde, born 1754 in Ireland who married William Pattee in Londonderry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire in 1773. This Mary Pattee never remarried and died 1834 in Michigan. so there’s no connection there, other than the possibility that she too, was trying to collect some of the Great Hyde Fortune. “Genealogy of one branch of the Peckham family of Newport and Westerly, R.I. : and its allied families” talks about the great Hyde estate “mystery” because at the time, no one realized it was actually a scam. I’m familiar with the Hyde family in Voluntown CT (mentioned in that book) and Charlotte was not part of that family. I think it likely that John and Hannah (Stewart) Hide/Hyde of Westerly, mentioned above, were Charlotte’s grandparents, but that’s the extent of what I’m able to do for free.

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